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How To Find Good Keywords In Google Search Console. Tutorials For Beginners

How To Find Good Keywords In Google Search Console. Tutorials For Beginners

Shivani Singh 439 15-Dec-2024

A very important step in optimizing your site for search engines is to identify proper keywords. Meta tags assist Google and other search engines in relating your site to the keyword that matches the users’ queries. To begin with, I have to point out that Google Search Console (GSC) is an effective, free service that can help you find out which keywords are used by users to search your site and generally enhance your SEO rating.

Now let me explain some strategies for how beginners can use GSC to identify and utilize the keywords properly.

1. What is Google Search Console and Why Use It?

Google Search Console is an open tool offered by Google to site owners for managing their site’s presence in the search engine. However, unlike some other analytics tools, GSC also shows keyword information so that you can work on improving your content’s discoverability.

Key Features for Keyword Research:

  • Performance Reports: Nonetheless, present keywords, which users type into the search engine, and consequently become traffic to your website.
  • Search Analytics: Valuable information on the exact impressions made, click-through rates, and the average position of a website or web page for a given keyword.
  • Identifying Opportunities: Informs you of keywords that are on the second page, therefore showing you what you can optimize to shift to the first page.
How To Find Good Keywords In Google Search Console. Tutorials For Beginners

2. Everything you need to know about Keyword Data in GSC

First, you need to perform your keyword research, and for this, sign in to your Google Search Console account. On this tab, you will have an estimation of your site’s performance when it comes to ranking with search engines.

Step-by-Step Process:

Step 1: In the Performance section, click on something called Queries. This defines all the keywords that users have typed to end up on your site or blog.

Step 2: Exclude the data by location, date, or kind of used device in case you wish to follow specific individuals or audiences.

Step 3: Where you get a set of keywords that have a large number of impressions but little click-through—these create opportunity.

Tip: Concentrate on the queries that are occupying the positions between 8 and 20. Better content for such searches can simply help place them among the best results for the searches.

3. Examining performance indicators in GSC

The main metrics you’ll focus on are:

Clicks: The visitors that entered your website after clicking your link in search engine result pages.

Impressions: The number of times your site featured within the search engine list within a given keyword.

CTR (Click-Through Rate): Ratio of clicks and impressions that will show how favorable your meta title and description were to people.

Average Position: This is the position you attain with regards to a certain keyword when doing searches and operations.

Pro Tip:

In addition, keywords that receive a high number of impressions but a low CTR are likely to be poorly optimized in title tags or descriptions. These keywords can raise the CTR after modifying the meta tags with them.

4. Targeting Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer, descriptive keywords, for example, ‘best Italian restaurants in New York.’ These are mostly searched less often by the people who are more likely to complete a purchase than the first type of customer. Under the Queries section of GSC, find such queries and integrate them into your content.

5. Tactics to Enhance Content w.r.t Keywords

Once you’ve identified valuable keywords, here’s how to make the most of them:

Revise Existing Content: Insert these keywords as naturally as possible in your text, headings, and meta tags.

Create New Content: Create new web articles or blog entries that involve the low-volume keywords identified in GSC.

Internal Linking: Use these keywords as links to other related content on your website. This serves the purpose of improving both the site’s usability to its users and its search engine rankings.

Internal Linking Example: When explaining SEO tools, you should mention this guide about avoiding keyword cannibalization that may affect rankings.


6. Through the filter feature, it is possible to refine the search and make a focused search for the terms that would be useful for action.

GSC allows you to apply filters for deeper analysis:

  • Position Filter: They should therefore use queries that have an average position of 10-20 to improve results.
  • Page Filter: Find out which page is particularly popular with regard to particular terms and revise it to optimize the results.
  • Country Filter: Topicalization of broken links for keywords showing high activity in regions of the site’s interest.

It is here that having less data but divided into segments will enable the formulation of the best SEO techniques.

How To Find Good Keywords In Google Search Console. Tutorials For Beginners

7. Measuring the Difference and Changing Measures

Keyword research is not a one-time exercise. To track how your target keywords have been performing at any given time, ensure that you use GSC regularly. Look for changes in positions, percent relative, and clicks. If performance stagnates, consider:

  • Knowledge update referring to content in the document.
  • Using keywords of a different string or test of other words.
  • Improving meta tags to be more persuasive.

8. Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Keyword Cannibalization: Do not create two or more pages optimized for the same keyword because it confuses the search engines. Read more on how to deal with it in the keyword cannibalization guide below.
  • Over-Optimization: They should not use programs to cram keywords into the site; it reduces its ranking. Keywords should be incorporated in content without straining.
  • Ignoring Long-Tail Opportunities: Do not disregard such keyword niches that consist of unusually precise, often less competitive phrases because they are generally easier to rank for and their conversion rates are usually higher.


Google Search Console is a great way to find out and use the most profitable keywords for enhanced traffic and higher ranking. Through the use of its relevant features, you can discover such opportunities, make correct estimations of the content’s performance, and have insights into its progress. The strategy considered here is to always ensure that keyword insertion meets quality content in a balance that is good for steady SEO growth.

By following these steps, you can utilize GSC for keyword research in the best possible manner to improve the efficiency of the Internet business!

Updated 15-Dec-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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