A table-valued function is a user-defined function that can be used where views or table expressions are allowed in T-SQL. A user-defined function contains additional features while views limited with a single select statement. Table-valued function returns the output as a table data type. The table data type is a special data type is used to store a set of rows. A user-defined function works in the same way as a system function.
Kinds of Table-valued functions:
- Inline table-valued function
- Multistatement table-valued function
- Scalar Function
Inline Table-Valued Function
An inline table-valued function returns a variable of data type table whose value is derived from a single Select statement. An inline function does not contain a function body within the Begin and End statement.
For example, We want to see the records of those students which course duration is 3. An Inline function that accepts duration as a parameter and returns all the records that have a duration greater than or equal the parameter value as shown below:
Create Function Fun (@Duration int)
Returns Table
(Select S.id,S.Name,S.Age,C.Course,C.Duration from StudentDetail S join CourseDetail C on S.Id=C.Id where C.Duration>=@Duration
Executing “Fun” function with parameter
Select * from Fun(3)
Multistatement Table-Valued Function
The Multi statement function is slightly complicated from the other two types of functions. A multi-statement function uses multiple statements to build the table that is returned to the calling statement. The function body contains a Begin and End block.
For example, We want to see that records of those students which is greater than or equal to 21. A Multi statement function that accepts age as a parameter and returns all the records that have age greater than or equal the parameter value as shown below:
Create Function Multistate(@Age varchar(5))
Returns @table table
StudentId varchar(5),
StudentName varchar(20),
StudentAge int,
StudentCity varchar(20),
StudentState varchar(20)
Insert @table
Select * from StudentDetail where Age>=@Age
Select * from Multistate(21)
Executing “Multistate” function with parameter
Scalar Function
A Scalar function returns a single value of the data type referenced in the return clause of the creates function statement.
For example: In scalar function executing while loop when Num1 value will reach on 100 than loop will be terminate and Num2 value adds with Num1 and return the total of Num1 and Num2 as a result as shown below:
Create Function SumTwoValues
( @Num1 int, @Num2 int )
Returns int
While @Num1 <100
Set @Num1 =@Num1 +1
Return (@Num1+@Num2)
Executing the “SumTwoValues” function with two-parameter.
Anonymous User
06-Mar-2019Thank you for sharing it.
Anonymous User
19-May-2011Exactly I need this.