Chart is the most important and visible part of the reporting tool. Crystal has very powerful feature to add chart in report. Let's see how to add chart in Crystal Report.
Right click on the Crystal Report file and select Insert – Chart option.
Once you add chart to the report it will not show chart on the report file but with mouse pointer you can see one blank rectangle is moving. So just click on the Report header it will open popup for chart style and other options.
Now from Type tab select type of the charts like bar chart, line chart, pie chart etc. form the left side. Select sub type from the right pane like side by side chart, percentage bar chart etc.
As per above figure move to the next tab Data there are three boxes, available fields, on change of and show values. So move Product id or name from available fields to on changes of box, and move Product Quantity filed to the show value box and click ok.
Now you can see the output or chart from Main Report Preview or just run the application.
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