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Insert, Update, Delete in SharePoint 2010 list using Client Object Model

Chris Anderson34369 10-Dec-2011

In this article we are going to see how to create, update and delete SharePoint 2010 list items using Client Object Model through C#. 

I have created one list named as Products in the SharePoint 2010 site with three columns "Title", "ProductID", "ProductName". I will be creating a Console Application using Visual Studio 2010 to do create, update and delete methods.


Insert, Update, Delete in SharePoint 2010 list using Client Object Model

    • Go to Visual Studio 2010.
    • Go to File Ã  New Ã  Project.
    • Select Console Application and name it as DMLSharePointList.
    • Click Add.

    Insert, Update, Delete in SharePoint 2010 list using Client Object Model

    • Add the references Microsoft.SharePoint.dll, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll


      Insert, Update, Delete in SharePoint 2010 list using Client Object Model

      ·        Write the following code in the Program.cs file:

      using System;
      using System.Text;
      using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
      namespace DMLSharePointList
          class Program
              private void Insert()
                  string siteUrl = "http://rohit:34143/"; //sharepoint site address
                  ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
                  List oList =clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Products");
                  ListItemCreationInformation listCreationInformation = new                                                                                  ListItemCreationInformation();
                  ListItem oListItem =oList.AddItem(listCreationInformation);
                  oListItem["Title"] = "6";
                  oListItem["ProductID"] = "P006";
                  oListItem["ProductName"] = "MotherBoard";
                  Console.WriteLine("Item Added");
              private void Update()
                  string siteUrl = "http://rohit:34143/"; //sharepoint site address
                  ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
                  List oList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Products");
                  ListItem oListItem = oList.GetItemById(1);
                  oListItem["Title"] = "1";
                  oListItem["ProductID"] = "P001";
                  oListItem["ProductName"] = "Harddisk";
                  Console.WriteLine("Item Updated");
              private void Delete()
                  string siteUrl = "http://rohit:34143/"; //sharepoint site address
                  ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
                  List oList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Products");
                  ListItem oListItem = oList.GetItemById(1);
                  Console.WriteLine("Item Deleted");
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  Program obj = new Program();
                  byte ch = 0;
                      Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t----Select option----\t\t\t");
                      Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t----Press (1) For Insert ----\t\t\t");
                      Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t----Press (2) For Update ----\t\t\t");
                      Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t----Press (3) For Delete ----\t\t\t");
                      Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t----Press (0) For Exit ----\t\t\t");
                      ch = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());
                      switch (ch)
                          case  1:
                          case 2:
                          case 3:
                              Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option");
                  } while (ch != 0);

      After creating an application press F5 to debug your application:

      Insert, Update, Delete in SharePoint 2010 list using Client Object Model

      ·         When you Press (1) specified item is added in the SharePoint list. Simultaneously, you can also check in the SharePoint list (Products) that one row is added in the list.

      ·         When you Press (2) item specified at the position 1 is updated.

      ·         When you Press (3) item specified at the position 1 is deleted.

      Thanks for reading this article. I think this will help you a lot.

      Updated 04-Mar-2020
      hi I am software developer at mindstick software pvt. ltd.

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