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Events With Delegate

Sanjay Singh4831 23-Dec-2011
using System; using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Events
    // Event Publisher
        public class DelegateEvent
            public delegate void AttendanceLogHandler(string Message); 
            // Define an Event based on the above Delegate
            public event AttendanceLogHandler EventLog; 
            public void LogProcess()
                string Reason = null;                
      Console.WriteLine("Enter your name");
                string UserName = Console.ReadLine();
                DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
                int hr = t.Hour;
                int m = t.Minute;
                if (!(hr >= 9 && hr < 10 || (hr == 10 && m == 0)))
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the reason for not coming within the valid time:");
                    Reason = Console.ReadLine();
                OnEventLog("Logging the info :" + UserName);
                if (hr >= 9 && hr < 10 || (hr == 10 && m == 0))
                    if (hr < 10)
                        OnEventLog(" Logged in at " + hr.ToString() + ":0" + m.ToString() + " Within Time");
                 OnEventLog(" Logged in at " + hr.ToString() + ":" + m.ToString() + " Within Time");
                    if (hr > 10)
                        OnEventLog(" Logged in at " + hr.ToString() + ":0" + m.ToString() + " not Within Time because " + Reason);
                        OnEventLog(" Logged in at " + hr.ToString() + ":" + m.ToString() + " not Within Time because " + Reason);
                OnEventLog(" ");
            // By Default, create an OnZZZZ Method, to call the Event
            protected void OnEventLog(string Message)
                if (EventLog != null)
        // The AttendanceLogger class merely encapsulates the file I/O
        public class AttendanceLogger
            FileStream FileStr;
            StreamWriter StreamWrtr;
            // Constructor
            public AttendanceLogger()
                FileStr = new FileStream("process4.txt"FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
                StreamWrtr = new StreamWriter(FileStr);
            // Member Function which is used in the Delegate
            public void Logger(string LogInfo)
            public void Close()
        //Subscriber of the Event
        public class RecordAttendance
            static void Logger(string LogInfo)
            static void Main(string[] args)
                AttendanceLogger FileLog = new AttendanceLogger();
                DelegateEvent DEvent = new DelegateEvent();
                // Subscribe the Functions Logger and FileLog.Logger
                DEvent.EventLog += new DelegateEvent.AttendanceLogHandler(Logger);
                DEvent.EventLog += new DelegateEvent.AttendanceLogHandler(FileLog.Logger);
                // The Event will now be triggered in the LogProcess() Method

 Here is Output……


Events With Delegate

Updated 04-Mar-2020

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