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User Manager in Joomla

Anonymous User 8781 28-Feb-2012

User Manager provides the ability to look at a list of your users and sort them in different ways. You can also edit and create users, user groups and access levels. Users play a very special role on Joomla websites. At the moment, you are the only user (admin or simple) that the Joomla administration knows. If you allow user registration on your site, there will be a registration form with help of which user can register in Joomla website.

 In the User Manager, you can change, delete, block, and assign different rights to users. In the overview list you can see the user details such as name, address, email id, contact number etc.

To access the User Manager, first of all login in Joomla Administrator panel and go to Users-> User Manager.

User Manager in Joomla

In this page, there are three options available, Users, User Groups and Viewing Access Levels. Let’s take a look on these three.

1.       Users:   In this screen you have the ability to look at a list of your website user and sort them by different ways.

2.       User Groups:  In this screen, User Groups control what actions a user may take on the site and which objects a user can view. This screen allows you to create, view, edit, and delete User Groups.

User Manager in Joomla

3.       Viewing Access Levels:  In this screen, you are able to create a new permission level in specific access hierarchy.  This screen allows you to create, view, edit, and delete permission level.

User Manager in Joomla

User Manager contains mainly two things, first one is Column Header and second one is Toolbar which is at top right.

Column Header:  Column Header has mainly nine items which are showing some specific values related to permission level.

User Manager in Joomla

Checkbox:  Check this box to select all items from permission table. If you want to select a single value, you can select adjacent checkbox of that item.

Name:  It displays the full name of user.

User Name: It displays user name through user will be login as.

Enabled: Whether or not user is login.

Activated: Whether or not user is activated.

User Groups:  It displays from which user group that user belongs to.

Email: It displays the user email address.

Last View Date: It displays last login date of user.

Registration Date: It displays the details of user when he or she registered in website.

ID: It is unique identification registration number which is assigned to all users uniquely.

Toolbar: It contains many buttons which performed the specific functionality for the permission levels.

User Manager in Joomla

New:  It has the functionality to add new permission level.

Edit: It has the functionality to edit the details of selected permission level.

Activate: Activate multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking this button.

Block: Block multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking this button.

Unblock: Unblock multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking this button.

Delete: Delete multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking this button.

Options: Options button provides the functionality to reset the user configuration such as mass mail, permission level and component.

Help:  Help button opens the help screen.  

List Filter:  List filter has provides the two options to filter the users in user manager.

a)      Search by partial User Name:

User Manager in Joomla

It’s used to search a particular user in all registered users.

b)      Filter by State, Active and Group:

User Manager in Joomla

With the help of these functionality, you can search a particular user by their state (Enabled/Disabled), Active (Activated/Inactivated) and group name (like as public, manager, publisher, Administrator, Super User etc).

How to create new users with help of wizards?

To create a new user, you have to keep some point in your mind.

Point 1:  Login in Joomla Administrator Panel and open User->User Manager

User Manager in Joomla

Now click on button ‘New’ and fill all the required information in this page.

User Manager in Joomla

Now click on button ‘Save & Close’.

User Manager in Joomla

Now recently created user saved successfully into database. In the same manner you can create User Groups and Viewing Accessing Levels.

I hope it might be useful for you and I’m thankful to you for reading this article.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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