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Content Manager in Joomla

Anonymous User 8898 29-Feb-2012

The Content Manager is the place in the back-end where you can add and manage all of the articles, category, featured article and media for your web site. 

The Content menu contains mainly four things; Article Manager, Category Manager, Featured Article and Media Manager, these components perform the particular functionality related to website content such as article, blogs etc.  The main functionality of content manager is an article management.

The Front-end article manager system is a simple and very powerful extension, which allows users to manage articles directly from front-end. The system is an article manager that provides several of features, like management of articles, create, edit, delete, publish approval, notification, unpublished etc.

To access the content manager, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Content-> Article Manger.

Content Manager in Joomla

Article manager contains mainly two things, first one is Column Header and second one is Toolbar. Let’s take a look of these two.

Column Header:

Column header is nothing more than a table header, which having some header text with specific meaning.

Checkbox:  Check this box to select all items or articles. After select this box, click on toolbar buttons to perform some particular functionality.

Title: It is the name of article.

Status: It displays whether article is published or unpublished.

Featured: It displays whether article having some featured or not.

 Category: The Category this item belongs to.

Ordering: It displays the order of item. If the list is sorted by this column, you can change the order by clicking the arrows or by entering the sequential order and clicking the 'Save Order' icon.

Access:  Who can view this item? You can change an item's Access in its edit screen.

Created By: Name of the person who written this item.

Dates: The date this Article was created. This date is added automatically by Joomla.

Hits: The number of times an item has been viewed.

Language: Item language in which this item is written.

ID: This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, and you cannot change this number.

Toolbar:  It contains many buttons which performed the particular functionality for the Article Manager.

Content Manager in Joomla

New: Use to create new article.

Edit: It is used to edit the information of selected article.

Publish: Publish the selected article.

Unpublish: Unpublish the selected article.

Featured: To set the featured article.

Archive: Archives selected items. Works with one or multiple items selected.

Check In:  Check-in selected article.

Trash: Moves selected articles into trash folder.

Options: it enables the options to reset the articles manager options for selected items or article.

Helps: It enables the proxy server help.

List Filter:  List filter has provides the two options to filter the users in user manager.

a)      Search by Partial Username:

Content Manager in Joomla

b)      Search by Max Levels, Status, Access, Language:

Content Manager in Joomla

With the help of this functionality, you can search a particular user by their Status (Published/Unpublished/Trashed/Archived/All), Category, Access (Published/Registered/Special), Author and Language (All/English UK).

How to create Category using Wizards in Joomla?

To create a category, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Content->Category Manger.

Content Manager in Joomla

To add new category, click on ‘New’ button in toolbar which is at top right corner.

Content Manager in Joomla

Now, fill all the appropriate information into text fields and click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

Content Manager in Joomla

Content Manager in Joomla

Now your recently created category will be added successfully into category list. In the same manner you can perform all the functionality which is provided by toolbar buttons.

How to create Article using Wizard in Joomla?

To create an Article in Joomla, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Content-> Article Manager.

Content Manager in Joomla

Now, click on ‘New’ button and fill all appropriate information into text fields.

Content Manager in Joomla

Recently created article will be displayed in article list.

Content Manager in Joomla

Now you can assign this article to a particular menu to display it on web browser. To do it, go to Menus-> Menu Manager

Content Manager in Joomla

Suppose that you want to assign your recently created article to Articles menu then click on ‘Articles’ menu.

Content Manager in Joomla

Now after filling all the appropriate information in this page, click on the ‘Save & Close’ button.

Content Manager in Joomla

To view your article on web browser or online, just click on ‘View Site’ which is at top right corner.

Content Manager in Joomla

  In the same manner you can perform various actions on article with the help of toolbar buttons. I hope this article might be useful for you. Thanks for reading this article!!

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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