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Banner Manager in Joomla

Anonymous User 8771 03-Mar-2012

The Banner Manager is where you can edit existing banners and create new ones. You can also easily enable or disable banners from this screen. From this screen you can navigate to the banner categories manager, banner client’s manager and the banner tracks manager. You must add at least one banner client and banner category before you can add a banner.

I.e Banner Manager shows the details for the current list of active (both Published and Unpublished) banner graphics within the web site. It also provides access to add new or edit existing banners and their details.

To create or add new banner in Joomla website, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components-> Banner.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner Manager contains mainly four things; Banners, Categories, Clients and Tracks.  Let’s take a look on these four.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banners: It enables the functionality to create, edit, publish, Unpublish banner. Banners having two sections; first one is Column Header and second one is Toolbar.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Column Header:  Click on the column heading on the banner manager screen to sort the list by that column's value.

Checkbox: Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items.

Name: The name of the Banner. You can click on the name to open the Banner for editing.

Status: Whether the item has been published or not. You can change the Published state by clicking on the icon in this column.

Sticky: Whether or not the banner is sticky. If one or more banners in a category are designated sticky, they will take priority over banners that are not sticky.

Client: It displays the client of this banner.

Category: it displays the category, this banner or an item belongs to.

Ordering: It displays the order of items.

Impression: The Impression count is the number of times; the Banner has been displayed on a page.

Clicks: The first number is the total number of clicks that have been made on the Banner since the counter was reset
Meta Keyword: Meta keywords are used to access the page in search engine crawling.

Purchase Type: This is used to indicate how the banner client purchased the display time for the banner - monthly, yearly etc.

Language:  Item language.

ID: This is unique identification number of banner through which it could be accessible globally.

Toolbar: Toolbar is nothing more than a collection of buttons which performs a particular functionality on banners.

Banner Manager in Joomla

New: It is used to create new banner.

Edit: it’s used to edit the information of selected banners.

Publish: It’s used to publish selected banners in Joomla website.

Unpublish: It’s used to unpublish selected banners from Joomla website.

Archive: it’s used to archive selected banners.

Check In: Check in the selected banners.

Trash: Move selected banner into trash folder.

Options: It enables the functionality to reset banner manager configuration.

Help: It enables the proxy server help screen.

Banner Category Manager:

The Banner Category Manager is where you can edit existing Banner Categories and create new ones. From this screen you can navigate to the Banner Manager, Banner Clients Manager and the Banner Tracks Manager. You must add at least one Banner Client and Banner Category before you can add a Banner.

Banner Manager in Joomla

To add new banner category, first of all go to Components-> Banners-> Categories.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now, click on button ‘New’ which is at top right of this screen.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Fill all the appropriate information in text fields and click ‘Save & Close’ button.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now your banner category successfully added into category manager list.

Banner Client Manager:

The Banner Client Manager is where you can edit existing Banner Clients or create new ones. Note that you must have at least one Banner Client and one Banner Category defined before you can add your first Banner.

Banner Manager in Joomla

To add new clients in your Joomla website, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components -> Banners-> Clients.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now, click on button ‘New’ which is at top right of this page.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Fill all appropriate information in text fields and click ‘Save & Close’ button.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner Manager in Joomla

New client is added successfully in Client Manager List.

Banner Tracks Manager:

The Banner Tracks Manager is where you can view current banner impression or click counts. Banners will only appear here if the impression or click counter is enabled on them and their impression or click count is at least 1. The impression and click counts are considered separate items, so a banner may appear twice in the list of items in this screen.

 How to create new banner in Joomla using wizards?

To create new banner in Joomla website, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components-> Banners.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now, click on button ‘New’ which is at top right of this page. Fill all the appropriate information in text fields and click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner added successfully in banner manager list.

How to add banner in Joomla website?

To add banner in Joomla web page, first of all login into Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Extensions-> Module Manager.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now, click on button ‘New’ and fill all the appropriate information into this page.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now click on button ‘Save & Close’.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Now recently created banner added successfully in Joomla web page.

Banner Manager in Joomla

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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