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Control Panel in Joomla

Anonymous User 10187 06-Mar-2012

Control Panel screen allows to joomla users to edit the functionality of Joomla Content Management System software. To access Control Panel in joomla, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Site -> Control Panel.

Control Panel in Joomla

In this screen, lots of components is available such as Add New Article, Article Manager, Category Manager, Module Manager, Menu Manager, User Manager, Media Manager, Extension Manager, Language Manager, Global Configuration, Template Manager and Edit Profile.

Let’s take a look on these components in brief.

Add New Article: This screen will display to add new article.

Article Manager: This screen will display to manage the entire article in website.

Category Manager:  It will display to manage entire article category in website.

Media Manager: It will display to manage entire media file in website.

Menu Manager: It manages all menu items entire website.

User Manager: It manages all users in website such as super user, administrator user, registered user, public user etc.

Module Manager: Module manager manages all module entire website such as Menu Module, Login Module, and Banner Module etc.

Extension Manager: Extension manager extends the functionality of joomla software, by uploading custom template, plugin etc.

Global Configuration:

Global configuration plays an important role in joomla, with the help of global configuration we have to reset the default site setting and Meta keyword or keyword description which helped to site in search engine crawling.

Control Panel in Joomla

Here, you can reset site information such as Site Name, SEO Settings, Meta Data Settings and Cookies Settings etc. Global configuration manager contains mainly four things such as Site, System, Server and Permissions.

Control Panel in Joomla

Site: This tab contains mainly four components: Site Settings, Metadata Settings, SEO Settings and Cookies Settings.

System: This screen will display to reset some system information’s such as system setting, Debug Settings, Cache Settings and Session Settings.

Server:  This screen display to reset the server information. There are fives component which is used to reset server settings, that components are Server Settings, Location Settings, FTP Settings, Database Settings and Mail Settings.

Let’s take a look on these five components.

Server Settings: This screen will display to reset some important server settings such as path of temporary file, error reporting and secure socket layer (SSL) options etc.

Location Settings: This screen will display to select time zone, continents wise.

FTP Setting: FTP is stands for File Transfer Protocol.  Here, you can reset default FTP settings such as FTP Host, FTP Port, FTP Username, FTP Password etc.

Database Settings: In this section you have to fill some information’s related to your database which is used by joomla software for storing information.

Mail Settings: This section is used for sending a mail. Here, you have to fill some information related to SMTP server which will used by SMTP server at time of sending mail.

Permission: This tab enables the permission setting screen where you could reset the default permission that is managing the permission settings for the user groups.

Control Panel in Joomla

After filling all the required information in text fields, click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

 Edit Profile:

This screen will display administrator account information, which had created at installing time of joomla software. With the help of edit profile options you could change super user information such as Login name, Login Password, Email Id and some basic information related to template style language etc.

Let’s take a look on edit profile component.

Control Panel in Joomla

Fill all information in text fields and click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

Control Panel in Joomla

Now your edited information is save successfully into database and you can login in Joomla Administrator Panel through new username and password.

So control panel is a joomla components collection page form where you can easily manage the entire component in joomla software.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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