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Content Type in Drupal

Anonymous User8931 06-Apr-2012

Content types:

A single web site could contain many types of content, such as informational pages, news items, polls, blog posts, real estate listings, etc. In Drupal, each item of content is called a node, and each node belongs to a single content type, which defines various default settings for nodes of that type, such as whether the node is published automatically and whether comments are permitted. You can create your custom content types by going to Structure -> content types -> Add content type.

To open the content types in drupal, first of all login Drupal Administrator Panel and go to Structure -> Content types

Content Type in Drupal

In Drupal technology, there are basically seven core content types.

1.       Article

2.       Basic Page

3.       Blog Entry

4.       Book Page

5.       Comment

6.       Forum

7.       Poll

Let’s take a brief idea about these seven core content types.


The Article content type is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile. Articles are generally used for information that is updated more frequently and often cross-referenced and categorized (such as news items or resources). By default, Articles are sorted with the most recent post at the top, but this can be customized with contributed modules like Views.

To add article content type in drupal, you’ve to login in Drupal Administrator Panel and go to

Content Type in Drupal

Now click on ‘Add content type’ link and fill all appropriate information in text fields.

Content Type in Drupal

After filling appropriate information, click on button ‘Save content type’.

Content Type in Drupal

Basic Page:

The Basic page content type is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile. Typically Basic pages are used for static content that can (but are not required to) be linked into the main navigation bar.

To add basic page content types in Drupal website, first of all you’ve to login Drupal Administrator Panel and go to Structure -> content type -> Add content type; fill all the required information in text fields and click on ‘Save content type’ button.

Content Type in Drupal

After saving the content type following window will be appearing.

Content Type in Drupal

Blog Entry:

A Blog (short for weblog) is an online journal or diary, and the core Blog module allows registered users on your site to create their own blogs. Each entry in a user blog has content type Blog Entry.

That is, the core Blog module that comes with Drupal allows every authenticated and authorized user to maintain an individual online blog. Blogs are made up of individual posts that are time stamped and are typically viewed by date as you would view a journal. Blog entries can be made public or private to the site members, depending on which roles have access to view content.

Book Page:

Book pages are designed to be part of a collaborative book, enabled by the core Book module. An example of a collaborative book is the Drupal developer documentation (such as Drupal API, Module installation, template or theme installation etc). In older versions of Drupal, only nodes of content type Book Page could be added to a book, but now nodes of any content type can be part of a book.


Comment is type of website feedback which is submitted by Users. Comments actually aren't nodes, so Comment is technically not a ‘content type’. Enabled by default, the Comment module allows site visitors to add comments (typically short notes and replies to other comments) to nodes on the site.

To open the comment section in Drupal website, first of all you’ve to login Drupal Administrator Panel and go to Content -> Commnet.

Content Type in Drupal

Here is no any comments have been submitted so far, so there is no any comment subject visible.


A Forum node defines a topic for a forum discussion; people can reply to the topic by using comments. Forum nodes are organized into subject areas via Taxonomy (list of categories).  That is, forum is a more reliable part of website through which users can easily interact with other user. It’s a platform where person’s shared their knowledge among them.   


A Poll is a question that offers the visitor a set of multiple choice responses. A poll, once created, automatically provides a simple running count of the number of votes received for each response.

You’ve to make custom Content type too for your convenience or you can also use to module to extend the content types in drupal.

This is the complete description on Content types. I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for reading this article.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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