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Drupal User Manager

Anonymous User 9550 06-Apr-2012

This page allows to creating a new user in Drupal website.  That is People module allows administrator to register new users, login and logout. There are some required fields which should be filled by the administrator or naïve user. Users benefit from being able to sign on because this associates content they create with their account and allows various permissions to be set for their roles.

Drupal User Manager

 To open the ‘People’ option in drupal website, first of all login in Drupal Administrator Panel and go to option ‘People’.

Drupal User Manager

The user module supports user roles, which can be set up with fine-grained permissions allowing each role to do only what the administrator permits. Each user is assigned one or more roles.

By default there are three type users available in Drupal website such as Anonymous User, Authenticated User and Administrator User. Let’s take a brief idea about these three components.

Anonymous User: Anonymous users are those users who haven’t login in Drupal website.

Authenticated User: Authenticate user are those user who have UserId and Password of Drupal Login Panel and having some specific permission role in comparision to Anonymous Users. In the case of comment of articles, blog or forum you could not post comment until you’re not login in Drupal website.

Administrator User: Admin user are those user who have full permission of drupal website. Admin are fully authorized to delete or add user in website. 

Generally, ‘People’ section contains four important parts;

1.       Add New User

2.       Filter Section

3.       Update Section

4.       Display Section

Add New User:

Add New User link enables the functionality to add new user in drupal website. To add new user in drupal website, first of all login in Drupal Administrator Panel and go to People -> Add New User option.

Drupal User Manager

After filling appropriate information in text fields, click on ‘Create new account’ button.

Drupal User Manager

Now, new user account created successfully. You may check out your recently created user account whether it is created or not. To check it, open ‘People’ section.

Drupal User Manager

Filter Section:

Filter section enables the functionality to filter data (user information) from the username list. To filter data basically three is being used.

1.       Role

2.       Permission

3.       Status


Roles allow you to easily set global permissions for a group of users by defining roles such as Anonymous user, Authenticated user, Administrator, etc.

To set a role of new user, first of all open that user account whose role you want to change.

Drupal User Manager

Here, you can easily change role of new user.


Control access to certain sections of your site by managing Permissions. This section also covers permissions related to posting content.

To set the permission of user, first of all login in Drupal Administrator Panel and go to People -> Permission.

Drupal User Manager

Here you can set permission for Anonymous, Authenticated and Administrator.


Status enables the functionality of user’s status either blocked or active. To set the status of users, first of all login in Drupal Administrator Panel and go to People.

Drupal User Manager

Here, you can set the user status.

Update Section:

This section enables the functionality to update the existence user information.

Drupal User Manager

Display Section:

This section displayed the list of all users which are created their account in Drupal Website.

Drupal User Manager

This is the complete description of Drupal User Manager. I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for reading this article.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a content writter !

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