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How to fix Common Canon printer issues in Windows 10?

TechHelp Tech 714 21-Jul-2019

More established Fringe gadgets, for example, can not work properly in view of the printer going to Windows 10. On this occasion that you are using a Canon printer, at that point, you should initially check Canon's site or talk to Canon Customer Care Number. So that the rand can be viewed by the printer which will work with Windows 10.

How to fix Common Canon printer issues in Windows 10?

On the off chance that your printer model figures in the rundown however you are as yet confronting printer issues, we have set out some potential arrangements underneath.

Issue 1: Canon printer does not work in Windows 10

Your canon printer is exchanged and you are required to check it because it is referred to from PC. It may seem necessary but it is difficult to pay attention! On this occasion that your printer is not working yet, you can get help from canon support number, or you can follow the tools given below:

Have a go at running the printing Troubleshooter given by Microsoft

On the off chance that that doesn't explain the issue, it implies that your printer may require new Printer Drivers. Check the printer maker's site for perfect Printer Drivers that will work with Windows 10.

Prior to introducing the new Printer Drivers, you have to uninstall the printer by following the means given underneath

  • Open Start menu
  • Snap Devices and Printers
  • Select your Canon Printer
  • Select Remove Device from the highest point of the screen
  • Reinstall the printer
  • On the off chance that Windows does not discover a Driver, peruse the printer producer site for Drivers.

Download the Driver and adhere to the directions given by the printer maker.

Then again you can get a Driver Update Tool to refresh the Drivers for you and keep them refreshed. To check for Driver Updates, adhere to the guidelines on the Canon Drivers page.

Issue 2: No Windows 10 Printer Driver for your printer

Not all printer producers are offering new Drivers that will work with Windows 10. At times, you may see the printer maker has finished the help to the printer model you claim. In any case, there is a path around this issue.

On the off chance that your printer producer isn't offering Windows 10 perfect Printer Drivers, you can attempt Windows 8 Printer Drivers as they may work. Much of the time, the Printer Driver is a .exe record. You have to uninstall the printer by beginning from Step 4 above. Or take help from Canon Tech Support Number.

After you have evacuated the printer, you have to tap on .exe Driver document and introduce the Printer Driver.

Issue 3: Printer is recognized yet you don't have the Driver for the more seasoned printer

On the off chance that your printer is distinguished after the update, you have to adhere to the on-screen directions to introduce the printer. At the point when Windows 10 checks for associated gadgets, it will give you a couple of alternatives on the off chance that it doesn't discover any Drivers. Here are the means you have to pursue

Click "The printer that I need isn't recorded" choice. (Since we are including a nearby printer, we won't talk about Network printer's choices that Windows gives you.) 

Updated 21-Jul-2019

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