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Getting a headstart with snap packages in Linux/Ubuntu: Installing and Updating

seo noman 1001 07-Jun-2018

Getting a headstart with snap packages in Linux/Ubuntu: Installing and Updating

Chances are pretty high that at one point or another, one might have had snap packages being discussed by colleagues or tech tech-enthusiasts. These special universal packages were first brought to the limelight during the release of Ubuntu 16.04.

Today Snap packages have continued to gain traction, as well as draw attention because of their ability to provide a viable solution for successfully installing applications on the Linux operating system.

So what further makes Snap packages so attractive to users? Today, we’ll be discussing some of the reasons why it’s a must to include Snap packages in one’s arsenal, and why it’s essential to learn them.

Snap packages are extremely essential in ensuring that Linux, or Ubuntu apps are running smoothly. Plus, installing Ubuntu Remote Desktop From Windows enables one to fuse in the two operating systems seamlessly!

Installing Snap Packages

When it comes to installing Snap packages, the first thing one ought to do is install snaps, which is in fact the snaps system. To be able to execute this on Fedora, first open up a terminal window then execute the following command.

sudodnf install snapd

The aforementioned command will then proceed to get hold of any necessities and install the system specifically for Snap. After one has completed this sequence, it’s safe to say that they have successfully installed the first Snap package on their system.

After installing the snap package, one ought to then proceed with installing the command-line edition for snap.

In order to do so, the user will have to discover what Snap packages that have been availed for installation via Snap.

Despite the fact that Snap has already began to gain a lot of traction, not each and every application will be made possible for installation via Snap.

Hence, it would be wise to first discover the packages related to the specific application, and whether they are available in Snap. This can be done by going to the terminal window. For example, say one wants to find the related packages for nextcloud:

They should then key in the following command

sudo snap find nextcloud

Then proceed to install the nextcloud package using the following command:

Sudo snap install gimp

Updating Snap packages

After one has successfully installed a Snap package, the next step is updating it. In order to do so, one has to utilize the refresh option (either via dnf, apt, or yum).

Hence, to update a Snap package, one would have to type in the following command (with regard toupdating GIMP).

Sudo snap refresh gimp

That being said, if there happens to be any Snap package update currently available, then it will automatically go on the download que and be installed. Ensure to update each and every one of them. One can effectively do so utilizing the following command:

Sudo snap refresh

The snapd system will then proceed to look at all the Snap Packages that have been installed and compare them to what is available.

Hence, if there are newer versions, they will then be updated to the installed Snap packages.

Updated 07-Jun-2018

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