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Moving Scammers are Real - How You Can Avoid Moving Company Scam

Moving Scammers are Real - How You Can Avoid Moving Company Scam

Moving Solutions 1285 24-Sep-2019

We all are well aware with the complexities involved in taking goods from one place to another. It is really a matter of great risk for a person when he wishes to take his things at the next destination. In order to attain a higher level of success in taking things from one place to another people hire packers and movers. As they are professionals in managing things hence a task handled by professionals is always safe and secure. The professional aid provided by packers and movers for safe shifting of goods is a reason why people take their aid in the complicated process. But, alertness and attentiveness are the two very important requirements of shifting.

If you are hiring packers and movers you are not at a risk free zone until and unless you are sure that company with which you are moving is adequate for you. Moving company scam is one of the very common issues arising nowadays. If you don’t want to get trapped in moving company scam then here are few things that you must follow.

Ask Them for Written Estimate: Legitimate moving companies will always be able to provide you with a written estimate.  If they can’t, then keep calling other companies. There are many “broker” moving companies who only book your move and then hire the job out to local movers. It is best to work with the same moving company through all stages of your move. A company that will give you quotes over phone is something which is giving you a signal of scamming.

Address: The physical location of the moving company is very important for you. A company that operates online and over phone is something that will lose your trust. Rely to a company which has a physical address so that in case of any scam you can visit them for claiming the compensation.

Is the moving company licensed? This should be your third finding with the packers and movers in Bangalore. If they don’t have a license or certification number they are not a legitimate or actual moving company.

Rates: A company with competitive rate is always trustworthy. If the company’s estimate is unreasonably low, be careful. Some companies will bid low and then add on additional charges while you are being moved.

These are the points that you need to keep in consideration when you wish to hire a legitimate IBA approved packers and movers. Check out these points and it is for sure that a professional and experienced IBA approved packers and movers in Bangalore will handle your desires of shifting.

Sunita is a writer having active interest in the packer and movers industry for over 5 years. She writes informative articles which helps people to know packers and movers. Read more moving tips here:

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