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How to Write a Research Proposal

Renaldo Trivino 1466 24-Apr-2019

If you are planning to pursue postgraduate degrees such as masters or PhD, then you should prepare your research proposal. Pursuing advanced degrees require you to present a research study related to your academic course. For this, universities need to see your research proposal first, or the summary of your proposed research study. This will help you demonstrate your aptitude for postgraduate studies, such as your ability to express complex ideas concisely and critically. In a nutshell, the following should be present in your research proposal:


You must come up with a title for the research you want to explore. As this is a research proposal, a tentative title will do as you can revise this during the course of your research once you get accepted in a university.


You should include an abstract or a concise summary of your research project proposal. An abstract usually ranges from 150 to 250 words.

Research Context

In this section, provide a brief background upon which your research study will be conducted. Here you can feature the existing discoveries, knowledges, or controversies surrounding your topic. The only way for you to establish the context is through intensive research from the existing research literature. Choose carefully which information will support your context.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

As postgraduate research topics can be broad, coming up with research questions will help you narrow your focus, preferably sufficient for you to finish your masters or PhD within a normal time period. For a start, try to come up with at least three research questions from which you can derive sub-questions. From these questions, you can compose your hypothesis or a statement based on your topic which can be proved or disproved depending on the outcome of your research.

Significance of the Research Study

Briefly state what importance your research will have to anything or anyone. It can be to improve an existing process, or to add new information to an existing body of knowledge, or to benefit a group of people.

Research Methodology

According to UK write my essay service in this part of the proposal, you need to explain how you will conduct your research, as well as the methods and tools which you will apply for your analysis. You can include where you will source your primary resources of information e.g. journals, dissertations, theses, etc. If you plan to conduct surveys or interviews, who will you survey or interview and how many will you need? What statistical tools you will use to test your data? Your research methodology also outlines a timeline of various tasks as well as the probable duration of each step you need to implement your research. A Gantt chart is a good visual to represent the duration of your research study.


List all your current sources for your research proposal, either in MLA or APA or some other format depending on the requirements of your university. Make sure to include the most relevant sources of your proposal.

Getting Help for Your Research Proposal

If you are looking to ease your struggle on your research proposal, you can count for the help of CustomEssayOrder. Our huge range of services includes writing a research proposal or even your whole research for you. Get your full 8-hour sleep in full assurance that we produce the best quality of research project for you within a short period of time. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your academic needs. Contact us now!

Updated 24-Apr-2019
Renaldo Trivino is an online writer and editor at WriteMyEssayForMe. He writes content for various marketing campaigns and provides business ghostwriting. Also, Renaldo has an educational blog Vitablot. Being a freelance writer, he enjoys tutoring online at Essazoo.

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