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Office 365 vs Google Docs Features Comparison

Office 365 vs Google Docs Features Comparison

Tom Garry 1056 23-Nov-2019

Your office likely requires a lot of document sharing. Whether it's project proposals, reports, invoices or anything else, you need a word processor that can handle all your needs. In today's market, that essentially means you have Microsoft Word or Google Docs to choose from.

But, along with meeting your needs, your word processor should also be tailored to your team's individual wants and skills. By looking at some of the most basic functions and features, we can help you make an informed decision about which word processor is best for you.

It's free to use Google Docs, unless you want more storage and shared calendars. Paid versions come with Google's business plan template, and start at about $5 per month.

Office 365 can cost anywhere from $70 per year to $150 per year, depending on how many users you need, what programs you require and the platform on which you plan to access your data. Annual fees can be paid monthly or all at once.

Being able to access your documents at a moment's notice is crucial. While Google Suite allows you to access Google Docs, Sheets and Slides offline, it can be difficult to open a new file without internet access, and users have said offline access can be spotty.

Microsoft Word can be accessed online or offline. Plus, documents are saved directly to your desktop rather than an online server, meaning they can be accessed even when there's no internet service.

Interface and accessibility
In an office setting, you're bound to have different levels of skills among employees. Some team members are technology wizards, others are intimidated by too many features. So, whether you go with Google or Microsoft, your choice should depend on how your team operates.

Google Docs has a lot of extra features which can be exciting for some offices, while Microsoft Word can be a bit more basic and simple to use. Keep in mind that both offer customizable toolbars.

Both Google Docs and Microsoft Word allow teams to edit in real-time and lets users know who is working in what section and what they're suggesting or editing.

In Google Docs you can use suggestions to put ideas in the right sidebar, to be accepted or rejected later. In Microsoft Word, you can use the “Track Changes” tool to suggest edits and accept or decline them.

Mobile use and app integration
If you're looking to edit on mobile, both Google Docs and Microsoft Word are available cross-platform. Anyone with the link to a Google Doc can read and/or edit it on mobile. Anyone can also view Microsoft Word documents sent to them, but they need an Office 365 subscription to edit it — which adds an extra layer of security.

Hopefully, this helps you make a more informed choice about which word processor is best for you. Should you choose to go with Microsoft Word, you may want to consider a full migration from Gmail to Office 365 for access to even more Microsoft tools.

Updated 23-Nov-2019
Tom is a renowned author

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