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5 Essential WhatsApp Web Tips You Need To Know

5 Essential WhatsApp Web Tips You Need To Know

IVY Rose 926 14-Dec-2019

WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps, used all over the world by almost every person. If the person has a smartphone then he must have installed the WhatsApp app.

People often used the WhatsApp Web which is a feature of WhatsApp that allows the user to open the application within their web browser. People often used the WhatsApp web which is a feature of WhatsApp that allows the user to open the application within their web browser. Then read this article to know essential WhatsApp web tips you need to know:  


A wise man said, “Time is money” which is no doubt is correct. WhatsApp on the computer can save you time because it has a keyboard shortcut. A list of a keyboard shortcut is:

  • Ctrl + N To start a new conversation
  • Ctrl + Shift + M To mute a conversation
  • Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new group
  • Ctrl + P To open the status of your profile
  • Ctrl + Shift + U To mark as unread
  • Ctrl + Backspace To delete a chat
  • Ctrl + E To Archive the chat  

Multiple Whatsapp Account

Using multiple accounts… seems impossible, right? Well, WhatsApp on the computer makes it possible. By using the incognito window, you can open multiple accounts easily. Just tap Ctrl + Shift + N and enjoy!! Isn’t easy?  

Type Emoji By Using A Keyboard

WhatsApp is famous for its emoji, and the conversation feels incomplete without it. Using WhatsApp on the computer makes it a lot faster for you. All you have to do is in the text area of chat where you want to use emoji just type a colon and type a few letters of your desired emoji. For example, you said something funny and want to use laughing emoji so type like this: haha, Emoji will appear on the screen. Just select the emoji you want to use. Same if you want to use mask type : mas   

Or you can follow these steps  

Tap Shift + Tab This will directly focus on the emoji icon box.


Look at the emojis and search the emoji of your desire. Once you get your emoji tap, enter.  

Read Message Without Blue Tick  

Sometimes we want to read the message but don’t want to reply. For such cases, there are extensions WAToolkit available through which you can read a message without a blue tick and without turning off read receipts.  

Transfer The File From Phone To Pc  

With the help of using WhatsApp on the browser, you can easily transfer your file to your PC or vice versa. For this process, you will need other accounts as well to which you will send your data in order to save it. We will suggest you use Wi-Fi or a high internet connection for this process so you may not find any difficulty in this process.  

  • Open the file (photo or video) you want to save.
  • In the corner, you will see the down arrow, click on it.
  • Automatically the file will be saved in your device.  

Updated 14-Dec-2019
IVY is a 28-year-old cleaner at a studio who enjoys escapology, drone photography and camping. He is brave and loveable, but can also be very unfriendly and a bit evil.

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