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How to write for your Audience?

How to write for your Audience?

Nidhi Agrawal784 02-Mar-2022

How to write for your Audience?

Great writing has inspired and motivated people to realize and understand their strengths and reached one step closer to success and this entirely depends on the content you frame while designing your work.

Before you begin writing think about who your audience will be. The audience significantly plays an important role in generating traffic on your website or account. While writing who are you writing for and who your readers will be should always be kept in mind as these two are very closely interrelated. After briefly understanding your views; the audience starts working on your content.  

Content is the most crucial factor which decides how your audience will react to the piece that you have written. It is still considered to be one of the significant ways to reach a larger reader base as people are inclined towards searching for their research topics through blogs and articles. If your content is strong, informative, and very helpful to your readers then your written article or blog is successful. 

Here are a few suggestions that can help you structure your writing and connect better with your audiences:

  1. Think like your audience: To foster a deeper relationship with your viewers and readers you are supposed to think like them, what would they like to expect, what would they like to read, thinking it this way will build a spark and an intellectual and emotional connect with the readers and they will also enjoy reading the content which you upload.

  2. Identify your target audience: This is a basic step to follow while composing your article for the blog. Learn who your actual readers will be and then write accordingly by keeping it simple so that the target audience understands what have you included and what your content revolves around.

  3. Always try suggestions for problems: People usually tend to look out for their problems on the internet. So, understand what their problems are and write your content on it by mentioning and highlighting your valuable solutions and if possible mention a few tips and tricks to overcome those problems in the end. This has two benefits, it will attract more traffic to your content and it will also provide good solutions to the actual existing problem out there.

  4. Create connection: After figuring out who your audience is now building an emotional connection is one of the important and useful factors in a country like India. If your content is relatable and it helps and matches the expectations of the audience then no doubt that your piece has a lot of worth in the market as is it connecting your views with the people which will be the main reason why they will be looking forward to reading your works regularly.

  5. Research on the topic: To understand, increase knowledge, and get information about social life, research is necessary. In research, new theories are developed about the reasons behind a particular event or behavior, or existing theories are revisited to check whether they are correct. Before writing for anyone on any topic keep yourself informative enough to express your views and knowledge for your ideas. This again plays a very pivotal role especially when you are particularly writing on a niche. Until and unless you do not have in-depth knowledge on the topic then no matter how much ever you try writing you would not be able to write unique content, free from plagiarism. 

  6. Avoid making grammatical errors:The way you write and present your content or piece of work in the public matters a lot and is of great importance therefore, it is always better to proofread your work not once, not twice but thrice, the reason being to correct all sorts of grammatical errors if made any while typing your article. Other than proofreading the content make sure that you use correct English and make the correct use of punctuations, these factors play a great role in re-bringing the readers to your account in the future whenever you post fresh pieces of the article.

  7. Be informative: While writing content for your piece make sure you be informative by providing more facts and less of your opinions. Instead of just beating around the bush and not proving accurate solutions on the selected topic try solving the actual queries of the readers in regards to the solutions they are looking for.

  8. Maintain the flow: The reader should not get lost while reading the article. As a writer, you should know how and what should be written next in your piece for this you can try empathizing with your audience and then decide on your flow so, that the article conveys what you are trying to express among your audience rather it being unclear.

  9. Seek Feedback: You can either ask someone you know who fits your target audience to read your piece or ask them to comment on your post so that they can share their insights. Regardless of how you approach it, you will gain insights into how to change your writing style to suit your audience. 

Follow these steps to connect with your audience and make your content worth a read. 

I, have been an ( Internshala Student Partner) ISP20 and secured the 26th position. Other than it I am an Alumini of AIESEC and had been TL at the same.( AIESEC is the WORLD'S largest youth running organisation). I am also a community manager at a company named after re-captcha. I am also a certified mentor at Expertons and other than it I am a Ted-ed spokes person and currently a Team leader at Internshala handling a team of more than 750+ people and I am a writer,too.

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