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Side effects of smartwatches

Side effects of smartwatches

Niyati Thole30385 21-Mar-2022

Smartwatch effect

Now one of the most controversial issues in the world is smartwatch feedback. Technology is evolving at an alarming rate, with the result that the population is largely dependent on it. Smartwatches have negative consequences. Although some of these creations are causing problems that are not visible in the short term, they will be destroyed in the long run. From smartphones to smartwatches, many companies around the world are busy making significant technological advances.

Many people are busy giving to their loved ones without realizing that these watches can cause various health problems.
Smartwatches help with everyday tasks, but many health issues should not be ignored. The electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by smartwatches is particularly degrading and dangerous. Similar voluntary service programs are needed in the field of smartwatches to make people aware of those issues. Below is a list of negative effects of various smartwatches other than electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.

Nausea and headache

EMF radiation from smartwatches can cause nausea and headaches. Some smartwatches that emit EMF radiation have side effects that can be dangerous if not addressed. Most people who wear a smartwatch for a long time often have symptoms associated with radiation. A person who wears a wristwatch for a long time due to EMF radiation is more likely to find himself/herself. If these effects of the smartwatch on a person are not used or a person can use it through Pause.

Health effects:

Sleep, memory, and mood problems: People who wear smartwatches regularly experience problems such as falling asleep or resting. Frequent use of smartwatches does not cause sleep deprivation. They may use the device before bedtime, lose their mood or sense of sleep and continue to use a gadget like a wristwatch, which often reduces vision and productivity along with the use of technology.
Another consequence arises when a person fails to disconnect before going to bed, resulting in gadget addiction. Loss of memory and mood swings due to insomnia have also been observed. The use of blue light in technologies such as smartwatches makes it difficult for the brain to shut down after use. That's why technology should be turned off 2-3 hours before bedtime. Engage in relaxed activities such as reading to relax your mind

Problems with sleep, memory, and mood:

In addition, users of smartwatches have complained that they suffer from insomnia due to their use. This often happens when people use technology regularly, causing them to lose focus and productivity. The most serious problem arises when users neglect to disconnect before going to bed.

Loss of memory and mood swings due to insomnia have also been observed. It can be difficult to turn off the brain after using technology such as smartwatches, computers, telephones, TVs, etc. because the blue light is on online.
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try turning off all electronics 2-3 hours before bedtime. Relax your brain by engaging in serene activities such as reading.


The rapid use of technology prevents the user from engaging in social activities such as face-to-face conversation with the boy. When linked, the man's smartwatch can also be distracting. Smartwatches, perhaps more than your phone, take you out of the moment. While it may not be appropriate to take your phone out of your pocket for a formal meal or another social occasion, wearing a smartwatch on your wrist will constantly distract you. Connecting with social media is one of the most beneficial features of a wristwatch, but it can also be very negative. You need to understand how and when to use your EMF Shield to protect yourself from the dangers of wearing a smartwatch.

The end

While smartwatches offer many benefits in terms of efficiency and convenience, they also come with many health risks. It is not always advisable to wear your wristwatch in all cases due to EMF radiation.
Are you going to retire to your bed? Going to a business meeting? Want to have a family dinner? If you do not wear a watch, you will be better able to sleep better, have fewer headaches, improve your memory, be in a better mood, eat better and stay in all of these conditions!
EMF radiation and smartwatches interact to find out and be aware of all of these factors (and more). Minimize your use and keep your phone in a position to protect your body. All of that extra work will improve your health!

Updated 23-Mar-2022
An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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