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TikTok vs Instagram: Where Do You Have More Chance?

TikTok vs Instagram: Where Do You Have More Chance?

Austin Luthar766 25-May-2023

With the rise of social media growth services, it is easy to get free TikTok followers and grow your community to thousands. You can do the same with Instagram. But, if you’ve stepped into the influencer world for organic popularity, red carpets, and partnership with luxury brands, things will have to work a little differently. This means you must create a social media strategy and stick to it. You will have to put in the work to get worthy results. And if this sounds too much, don’t worry because we have got your back!

Today’s article will help you take the first step towards your influencer journey - that is, decide whether you have a better chance on TikTok or Instagram. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Find Where Your Ideal Audience Is

Audience refers to the people who will see your content and follow your account. Since almost all people use social media, it is up to you to determine who you want to be your audience. You can also call them your target audience.

Once you’ve figured out who these people are, you can evaluate the usefulness of Instagram and TikTok better. Both Instagram and TikTok have millions of daily active users. However, while Instagram has more millennials in its user base, TikTok is famous among the younger generations (Gen Z and Alpha). This means the environment of TikTok is unstable yet fun. It's a happening zone where trends change overnight, and creativity is appreciated more than quality. People don’t judge you over aesthetics or professionalism but on how well you entertain them.

Comparatively, Instagram is more mature and formal. The users enjoy content that is high-quality, valuable, and consistent. Of course, entertainment and humor exist on this platform, too. But you can’t just post anything. If you want high-end collaborations and business opportunities, you need to be serious about what you are doing.

Understand How the Platform Works

In terms of content format, both Instagram and TikTok will offer you similar visual-based features. You will get the option to upload reels, stories, and live videos. However, there’s one big difference between them.

TikTok focuses on short-form videos, whereas Instagram gives equal weight to pictures and videos. The length of the video doesn’t matter, either. It’s true that Instagram algorithms had recently experimented with prioritizing videos over static photos. But it switched back to the original strategy and introduced a separate reel-viewing feature to maintain the balance between photos and videos.


This means creators aren’t restricted to a particular content format. They can create any type without the fear of algorithms pushing their visibility down. In fact, many creators repurpose the content by posting it in different formats.

So, Which One Should You Choose?

The final decision greatly depends on who your target audience is and the type of content you want to produce. If you wish to gain instant fame and enter the media industry, TikTok will be a better option because the audience is very young. They won’t hesitate to interact with your content, talk about you with others, and get you noticed by celebs. But this will come with a cost; you’ll have to stay in trend!

If you want more stable growth where you get to work with world-famous brands and make a long-lasting name in the industry, Instagram will be ideal. The platform will help you build fame around what you do and who you are - not around whether you’re entertaining enough. So, choose wisely!

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