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Mind-blowing Google ads shortcuts with negligible efforts

Mind-blowing Google ads shortcuts with negligible efforts

HARIDHA P461 03-Feb-2024

PPC administration can be time-consuming if you focus on non-essential features, bloat your account, or ignore time-saving options.

These seven Google Ads shortcuts and features will help you reclaim some of your valuable time.

Not only will these save you time, but they will also provide you with insights faster, allowing you to get to better results sooner.

Remove duplicate keywords.

As accounts mature or management changes over time, it is easy to lose track of which keywords are being bid on.

This is especially apparent when one account manager designs campaigns and ad groups in a specific manner, and then another manager takes over and begins adopting their own structure.

It would be time-consuming to search through all of the account terms for duplicates.

Use negative keyword lists.

Since we're talking about keywords, let's move on to a function that will help you manage negative keywords in an account.

Negative keyword lists are an excellent technique to exclude specific types of keywords from numerous campaigns or the entire account.

Going through all of the negative keywords that have been introduced to a campaign or ad group over time, like trying to detect duplicate keywords, can take a long time.

Using Labels to Manage Ad Creatives

Google Ads' Label function is a powerful tool for account organization and time savings.

It is, in my opinion, one of Google Ads' most underappreciated capabilities.

Labels can be inserted at the campaign, ad group, and keyword levels, but they shine when used for time-sensitive copy or routine testing to turn things on/off!

Use Notations for Important Account Changes.

Keeping track of an account's history in Google Ads might be challenging. There are several moving elements, external factors that influence outcomes, and multiple personnel administering an account over its lifetime.

This can cause complications when attempting to analyze performance.

For example, you're comparing year-over-year data and see that the figures were significantly higher the previous year. Why?

It could be because certain holidays occur on different dates each year.

Perhaps the brand received a significant PR boost, resulting in increased attention and search activity.

Using Notes can help you log that external history and save you a lot of time trying to find and piece together this type of analysis.

Review insights and recommendations.

Last but not least, Google Ads offers Insights and Recommendations tabs.

These tabs have saved me a lot of time by allowing me to quickly spot major changes in performance from week to week or month to month.

We're all busy. It's easy to miss high-level insights when we spend so much time "in the weeds" with our accounts every day.

The takeaway

It's a good idea to stay up to speed on Google updates, as they frequently include feature changes that make the platform run faster and more efficiently. 

Many marketers squander valuable time working on the technical parts of their marketing strategies. However, using Google Ads shortcuts, you can find easier and faster ways to work on the technicalities, allowing you to devote more time to other tasks.

Updated 03-Feb-2024
Writing is my thing. I enjoy crafting blog posts, articles, and marketing materials that connect with readers. I want to entertain and leave a mark with every piece I create. Teaching English complements my writing work. It helps me understand language better and reach diverse audiences. I love empowering others to communicate confidently.

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