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How do Facebook and Instagram handle the user's data?

How do Facebook and Instagram handle the user's data?

HARIDHA P140 20-Mar-2024

Have you ever looked through endless cat/dog videos on Facebook or felt like you had to have a picture-perfect life that showed on Instagram? While you're busy enjoying what you are seeing on Facebook and Instagram, which are owned by the same business Meta, are quietly collecting information about you. But what do they gather and how do they use it?

In this blog, we’ll look into how facebook and instagram handle the user’s data. Let’s get started!

How do Facebook and Instagram handle the user

What Types of Data Do They Collect?

It's more than simply your name and profile image. Facebook and Instagram are data collectors who collect a wide range of information, including:

  • The basics: It includes your name, email address, birthdate, location (city or even a particular location if you allow it), and phone number if you link it.
  • Your Activity: Every like, comment, share, and message you send is recorded. They keep track of the posts you spend the most time on, who you connect with the most, and even what time of day you are generally online.
  • Your device: They can see the sort of phone or computer you're using, as well as the operating system and internet provider. This allows them to create a profile of your behaviors and preferences.
  • What You view: Even if you don't engage with anything, Facebook and Instagram monitor the advertising and posts you view. This allows them to understand what attracts your attention.
  • Your Browsing Habits: Do you believe you can avoid their reach outside of their apps? If you are connected to Facebook while viewing other websites, they may also track your behavior there (with the website's consent, of course). This provides a far more complete view of your internet interests.

How Do They Use Your Information?

Now for the main question: why do they collect all this data? Here are the primary reasons:

Targeted Advertising: Facebook and Instagram rely primarily on targeted advertising. They can display advertisements that they believe you would click on based on your likes and behaviors. Have you ever noticed how, after looking for shoes online, shoe advertisements suddenly appear on your social media? That isn't a coincidence!

Content Curation: The apparently endless scroll of content is not an accident. Facebook and Instagram use algorithms to tailor your feed, displaying posts that they believe you'll find interesting based on your previous activity.

Improving their services: The data allows them to better understand how consumers use their platforms and find areas for development. This might range from making programs quicker to recommending new features.

Safety and Security: They monitor activities to detect and prevent spam, fraudulent accounts, and harmful conduct.

Is There Any Control Over Your Data?

Yes, there's good news! While Facebook and Instagram gather a large amount of data, you have some control over it. Here is what you can do.

Review Your Privacy Settings: Spend some time investigating your privacy settings. You may choose who sees your information, what types of adverts appear, and even limit tracking to some extent.

Limit app permissions: When you initially install the applications, you may be asked to authorize access to your location or microphone. These permissions can be reviewed and changed later.

Be mindful of what you share: Think twice before providing personal information or clicking on dodgy websites. Remember that once anything is online, it is impossible to remove completely.

Consider third-party apps: Be wary about linking your Facebook or Instagram accounts to other applications or games. These apps may also gather your data.


Facebook and Instagram may be enjoyable and valuable tools, but you should be careful of how they use your information. Understanding what information they gather and how they use it allows you to be secure regarding your privacy settings and platform usage. 

Updated 20-Mar-2024
Writing is my thing. I enjoy crafting blog posts, articles, and marketing materials that connect with readers. I want to entertain and leave a mark with every piece I create. Teaching English complements my writing work. It helps me understand language better and reach diverse audiences. I love empowering others to communicate confidently.

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