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Explain the CSS Custom Properties

Explain the CSS Custom Properties

Ashutosh Kumar Verma 230 11-Jun-2024

CSS Custom Property

CSS custom properties, often called CSS variables, can store reusable values ​​throughout CSS. This can make your CSS more manageable and maintainable, especially for large projects.

The -- prefix is ​​used to define custom properties, and the var() function to define custom properties.

For example
Defining Custom Properties
You can define custom properties at different levels: globally in the :root pseudo-class, or locally in specific selectors.

:root {
   --primary-color: #3498db;
   --secondary-color: #2ecc71;
   --font-size: 16px;
   --padding: 10px;

Using Custom Properties
You can use custom properties in other CSS properties.

body {
   font-size: var(--font-size);
   color: var(--primary-color);
button {
   background-color: var(--secondary-color);
   padding: var(--padding);
   border: none;
   color: white;
   cursor: pointer;
button:hover {
   background-color: var(--primary-color);

Advanced Example

Let's create a more complex example with a simple theming system.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>CSS Custom Properties Example</title>
        /* Define css custom properties for light theme */
        :root {
            --background-color: white;
            --text-color: black;
            --button-bg-color: #3498db;
            --button-text-color: white;
            --button-hover-bg-color: #2980b9;
            --padding: 10px;
            --border-radius: 5px;

        /* Define css custom properties for dark theme */
        body.dark-theme {
            --background-color: #2c3e50;
            --text-color: #ecf0f1;
            --button-bg-color: #e74c3c;
            --button-text-color: white;
            --button-hover-bg-color: #c0392b;

        /* Apply the css custom properties */
        body {
            background-color: var(--background-color);
            color: var(--text-color);
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            padding: var(--padding);

        .container {
            max-width: 800px;
            margin: 0 auto;

        h1 {
            font-size: 2em;

        button {
            background-color: var(--button-bg-color);
            color: var(--button-text-color);
            padding: var(--padding);
            border: none;
            border-radius: var(--border-radius);
            cursor: pointer;
            transition: background-color 0.3s;

        button:hover {
            background-color: var(--button-hover-bg-color);

    <div class="container">
        <h1>Defining CSS Custom Property</h1>
        <button>Click Here</button>

In the above example

Custom Properties Definition

The global custom attributes for the light theme are defined in the :root selector.
Additional custom properties for the dark theme are defined in the .dark-theme class used in the body.

Applying Custom Properties

Custom properties are used throughout the CSS including the var() function.
Background-color, color, padding, and other elements are set strategically by these custom elements.


By turning on the .dark-theme class on the body element, you can switch light and dark themes without changing individual CSS properties. This makes it easier to manage and update topics.

JavaScript Interaction

You can dynamically change custom properties using JavaScript, adding interactivity and dynamic styling to your web applications.


Light Theme

Explain the CSS Custom Properties

Dark ThemeExplain the CSS Custom Properties


The JavaScript turns the dark theme on and off when a button is clicked, demonstrating how easily you can change the theme with custom properties.

CSS custom properties provide a powerful way to manage styles, making your CSS more flexible and manageable. They are especially useful for themes, functional concepts, and strategic complexity.

Also, Read: Explain CSS animation with an example

Updated 11-Jun-2024
Hi! This is Ashutosh Kumar Verma. I am a software developer at MindStick Software Pvt Ltd since 2021. I have added some new and interesting features to the MindStick website like a story section, audio section, and merge profile feature on MindStick subdomains, etc. I love coding and I have good knowledge of SQL Database.

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