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Best way to protect passwords

Best way to protect passwords

HARIDHA P66 20-Jun-2024

To safeguard our personal information, we use passwords for everything from social media and banking to email and online shopping. But because hacks are becoming more common, we need to make sure our credentials are safe now more than ever.  Therefore, how can you ensure that your digital keys remain in your possession and are not obtained by hackers? This is a thorough advice on strengthening your password security:

The Secret to Strength is Complicated: Creating Unbreakable Passwords

An effective password serves as the first line of defense. What makes a password really strong is as follows:

Length is Crucial The days of six-character passwords are long gone. At least 12–16 characters should be used; the more, the better.

It's Made Mighty by a Mix: Resolve not to accept predictability. Create a complex password by combining symbols, numbers, and both uppercase and lowercase characters. Go beyond the keyboard while using some services; punctuation marks and other special characters are accepted.

Avoid the Obvious: Refrain from disclosing any personal information, such as addresses, pet names, or birthdays. Hackers typically target decisions that are predictable.

Originality is Key: Avoid the temptation to reuse passwords for several accounts. If you use the same password across all of your accounts, a data breach on one site might compromise them all.

Embracing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Moving Past the Password

A strong password is not always impenetrable. Multi-Factor Authentication, or MFA, is useful in this situation. MFA increases security by demanding an additional verification step in addition to your password, like:

Code Sent to Your Phone: In this approach, after entering your password, you will receive a special code by text message or through a dedicated app.

Biometric Verification: Facial recognition software and fingerprint scanners can provide a practical and safe layer of authentication.

Physical security keys are regarded as extremely secure and provide an additional degree of safety.

Password organizers: Your Electronic Safe

It can be difficult to remember complicated and one-of-a-kind passwords for every account.  Password managers can help in this situation. Your passwords are safely stored by these software programmes, which can also create strong, one-of-a-kind passwords for you. What to look for in a password manager is as follows:

Strong encryption: Strong algorithms should be used to encrypt your passwords so that, even in the event that the password manager is stolen, the passwords remain unreadable.

Security of Master Passwords: To unlock your password manager, select a strong master password. Make it a complicated password because this is the only one you will need to remember.

Multi-Device Accessibility: Select a password manager that makes it easy and safe for you to view your passwords on all of your devices.

Good Password Practices: Routines for a Safe Online Life

Here are some more steps you may take to improve the security of your online life:

Phishing attacks should be avoided by not clicking on dubious links or attachments in emails, even if they appear to be from reputable sources.

Update your passwords frequently to avoid having them become stale. Replace them on a regular basis, particularly for important accounts like bank and email.

Avoid using public WiFi: These networks are frequently insecure. Steer clear of password entry or sensitive account access when using public Wi-Fi. To provide an additional degree of security, think about utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN).


You can take charge of your online security and make sure your passwords continue to be strong fortifications by putting these techniques into practice. Recall that awareness is essential. Keep up with the most recent developments in cyber risks and modify your procedures accordingly.  To secure your digital life and preserve your important data, you must take a proactive approach to password security.

Updated 20-Jun-2024
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