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How To Enhance Google Bot Crawling Using Google's Three Factors

How To Enhance Google Bot Crawling Using Google's Three Factors

Shivani Singh118 12-Aug-2024

Internet search involves the accessing and crawling of your website by Google which is instrumental in determining the ranking of your website in the various search engines. This is the process by which proper adjustment is made to your site to help Google crawl your site and index the content properly. Google emphasizes three key factors for enhancing bot crawling:

1. Optimizing Crawl Budget 

The crawl budget simply means the number of pages that can and are desirous to be crawled on your site within a given period. To make the most of your crawl budget: 

  • Avoid Index Bloat: Index bloat is a situation that occurs when some low-quality or off-topic websites take all your crawl budget. Target high-impact areas of your sites and use the noindex meta tag for pages that do not require being indexed such as pages containing duplicate content or thin content pages. 
  • Manage Crawl Frequency: Some of the tools that help you to monitor and alter how often Googlebot crawls your site are; tools such as; Google Search Console which has features such as the Crawl Rate Limit. Setting this appropriately helps to make sure that the server is not congested hence making the user experience as smooth as possible.

2. Sitemap Management 

Sitemaps are crucial for guiding Googlebot through your site, helping it discover and prioritize your most important pages: 

  •  Create and Update XML Sitemaps: Also, the sitemap of your site should be the most recent and should correspond to the existing structure of your website. This shall assist Googlebot in indexing your site properly, especially for the newer or relatively updated pages​ . 
  • Prioritize Important Pages: In the XML sitemap, you can set priority values to inform Google which site’s page is important or not. Submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console regularly updates Googlebot on changes.
How To Enhance Google Bot Crawling Using Google

3. Mobile-First Indexing 

With Google's shift to mobile-first indexing, the mobile version of your website is the primary basis for how your content is indexed and ranked: Mobilegeddon was successfully followed by mobile-first indexing where Google ranks your site depending on its mobile version: 

  • Responsive Design: It is suggested to use the responsive design so that your website is to be easily accessed through the use of mobile devices. It ensures that Google can crawl your mobile site to the utmost because the majority of individuals use both PCs and portable devices to access the web. 
  • Mobile Optimization: Lastly analyze for mobile specific problems such as page speed, interstitials, and mobile usability. Thanks to Google’s mobile-first indexing, which is one of the defining trends of recent years, such factors are now crucial for SEO.

It is essential to understand how Googlebot crawls, bows, or gets around a site; thus, by optimizing these three aspects, you can better the manner it navigates your site thus improving the site ranking: Crawl budget, sitemaps, and mobile-first indexing.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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