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How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?

How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?

Shivani Singh66 18-Sep-2024

Optimizing the experience of the website is highly significant for interface, rankings, and success. There are numerous tools available for this purpose, out of which Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the best options to work with as it is free and is a good way to measure the site speed along with tips to improve it. As you will see in this guide, here is how you are going to make the most of this tool and apply its findings to your site. By applying these insights, not only do they improve the usability of a site but can also increase the chance of improving one’s Google ranking.

How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?

Google PageSpeed Insights: A Step Wise Guide

1. Learn How to Use Google PageSpeed Insights Tool

First, open the legit website of Google PageSpeed Insights. All you want to do is to find the URL of the 2 web pages you wish to evaluate against each other and the tool will do it for you. This is a file indicating the extent of mobile and computing device variations of Your web page which levels from 0 to 100.

2. Understand the Performance Score

PageSpeed Insights then gives a score depending on its analysis of the following factors. With a score of 90 or more one can consider themselves excellent and if the score is between 50 and 89 one will be considered to have areas of improvement. It is considered a critical performance problem if its value is under 50. The report analyzes your score employing such factors as FCP and TTI and I will detail all my scores in detail below.

3. Analyze Recommendations

PageSpeed Insights now not most effective offers you a rating of your web page’s performance, and that of every web page, but it additionally tells you what you can do to make it quicker.These are traditionally categorized as urgent activities, typical activities, and less frequent activities. Here are some common suggestions: Here are some common suggestions:

  • Optimize Images: Utilise compressed properly formatted images like JPEG images for photos, PNG images for graphics, etc.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript: Optimize code by stripping out characters that are not required for the program to function in the same manner as before.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: Addition of options to allow caching so that website data is cached thus decreasing the time it will take when someone revisits the site.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): It can deploy the contents of your site to multiple servers such that the time that can take a page to load as far as the user is concerned is minimized​.

For instance, PageSpeed may raise the issue of image compression or the enablement of compression for the transfer of files. Still, there is the usage of browser caching to store static resources that will help minimize the load time of the site among returning visitors.

4. Search Engine Results Page for Both Mobile and Desktop

Google currently gives importance to the mobile-first index so, a site must use the mobile version. To illustrate, there is the PageSpeed Insights report based on mobile and desktop views, which means it is possible to optimize it according to the preferences of visitors.

How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?

Key Areas to Improve with PageSpeed Insights

1. Image Optimization

Images are usually, one of the largest components of a site’s loading time. To optimize them, you may use Photoshop or Tinypng to compress so that the quality will not be affected. Moreover, apply the concept of lazy loading for images that are not displayed on the screen at launch; this significantly enhances the speed of a page‘s loading.

2. Minify HTML, CSS and Javascript

Website code can be made smaller and lighter by compressing – this means removing excess white spaces, comments, and characters. This is helpful to browsers in the sense that they can effectively reduce the time it takes to effectively analyze data. This can be done manually, however, the use of tools for reducing the size of files such as CSS Minifier or JSCompress can be of help.

3. Leverage Browser Caching

Browser caching simply allows you to save much of the website data that is ordinarily retrieved within a browser on the user’s device, a move that reduces the amount of server calls required. This makes the loading time of the sites faster, especially for the visitors who visit the site repeatedly and common for sites with high traffic. Expiration can be set on the cached data to avail always updated content with faster load times​.

4. Use a content delivery network (CDN).

Generally, a CDN can increase the loading speed of your internet site because a replica of your internet site is hosted in a server close to your customers.Thirdly, when a particular page or content is demanded by a particular user, it is available from the nearest web server possible, thus keeping the ‘distance’ between the supplied data and the user as small as can be.

How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?

Benefits of Using Google PageSpeed Insights

1. Improves User Experience: A faster website can increase the time spent on the site by users and thus minimize the bounce rates.

2.Boosts SEO Rankings: Google considers site speed as a ranking signal and this applies much more so for mobile search. Responsive websites load faster meaning that they have the advantage of ranking high on the search engine result pages.

3. Increases Conversion Rates: These leads are more likely to purchase if the experience is uninterrupted and or smooth. An extra second in the time to make the page can cut conversions by 7%.

4. Lower Bounce Rates: This means that slow websites frustrate the users and they are likely to leave the website thus causing high bounce rates. By optimizing your site performance, you maintain the attention span of the visitor and thus reduce the bounce rate.

How To Use Google PageSpeed Tool Insights To Improve Site Performance?


Personally, Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the most valuable when it comes to site optimization and improving site performance. I always explain that it is possible to increase the speed of your site significantly, as well as make the user experience much better by following the hints suggested by the tool. This means faster sites are preferred on the search engines, offer better user experience, and ensure higher rates in conversions. Implement the tips given in this article, perform audits using PageSpeed Insights more often, and see your services flying high.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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