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Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them

Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them

Shivani Singh74 18-Sep-2024

Originally called Google Webmaster tools, Google Search Console remains one of the most crucial resources for webmasters and SEOs to understand how the Google Search Console deals with their sites. However, as a strongly recommended element, there are common issues, which users face that can negatively affect the whole process, for example, an incorrect indexing or ranking of the users’ website. In this blog post, I will provide information comparing the most frequently seen mistakes in Google Search Console, their identification, and effective elimination.

Common Google Search Console Errors

1. Indexing Errors

The most frequently cited problem inside GSC is considered to be the bad practice of indexing web pages. Any page that is not indexed can greatly reduce your site's visibility on any search engine. Normally, this problem is a result of certain difficulties in the sitemap, robot. A virus, worm, or Trojan in an. Exe or. Com file, or manual actions against your website.

To fix indexing errors:

  • Check your sitemap: Check that it has been submitted to the right Search Console. It should also be a good idea to present correct links and pages and fix all the damage like broken links or pages that are no longer available.
  • Verify robot. txt file: In some cases or at times, certain pages can be removed from indexing by accident through the robot’s configuration.txt file.
  • Use the URL inspection tool: It assists you in pointing out certain URLs that are not being indexed and offers the facility to request for re-indexing.
Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them

2. Crawl Errors

Crawl errors are problems that Googlebot experiences when it tries to parse the pages of your website. These are generally divided into:

  • Technical problems in the site such as most times server errors.
  • URL errors such as the 404 not found errors and such like are common mistakes that are seen on web applications.

To fix crawl errors:

  • Fix broken links: Check for 404 errors and fix or redirect broken links through Google Search Console’s Coverage report.
  • Check server health: Assuming you have a hosting company, make sure that the blog’s server is optimized and can handle traffic from Google at any given time.

3. Mobile Usability Errors

It is especially important for SEO because Google began to index the mobile version of the website first (mobile-first indexing). Google Search Console offers a Mobile Usability report where it is possible to see the mistakes such as the text being too small to read or the elements being too close.

To fix mobile usability issues:

  • Ensure Responsive Design: Responsive Design: The website should be visible and usable on all platforms: laptops, PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc. and anything that can connect to the ‘world wide web’.
  • Using AMP: AMP means Accelerated mobile pages, which give enhanced mobile speed and performance which are all covered in AMP reports.
Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them

4. URL Has No Enhancements

This error means that Google failed to find any other structured data or other rich snippets that would help to enhance the look of your page in SERPs. Also, Google prefers websites with structured data to provide better search results.

To resolve this error:

  • Implement structured data: Gain insights about the content using Google’s Schema by adding structured data including products, reviews, and breadcrumbs. Org.
  • Test rich snippets: To check the markup you have used Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to make sure of its correctness.

5. Sitemap Errors

Sitemaps are very important in assisting Google in crawling your website and even how it is structured. Some of these mistakes include sitemap issues where URLs and webpages are unreachable or have wrong formats.

To fix sitemap errors:

  • Submit a correct sitemap: Make sure once again that the sitemap complies with the XML structure and then upload it on Google Search Console.
  • Check for broken or restricted URLs: Check all the links in the sitemap to confirm that all of them are active.

 6. Manual Actions

If Google finds that your site violates its policy, it can penalize your site with a manual spam action for spammy content, unnatural links, etc. Severe penalties may cut the evident rank of your site down or, worse, delete it from the rankings list.

To resolve manual actions:

  • To know the exact problem, one has to refer to the Manual Actions report under the Search Console.
  • Correct violations: Regarding the spammy backlinks and duplicate content also clears all the problems pointed out by Google.
  • Request reconsideration: After, complete a reconsideration request so that Google can review it.
Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them

How to Monitor and Prevent Future Errors

 It is important for maintaining the health of the website that one schedules a routine check of his or her Google Search Console. Here’s how you can stay on top of potential errors:

  • Weekly checks: It is recommended to carry out the Review of your Coverage and Enhancement reports every week and look for new concerns.
  • Use alerts: Support options for configuring email notifications for crawling, indexing, or any action taken manually.
  • Periodic audits: Perform more in-depth technical SEO analysis with the help of various applications, such as Screaming Frog or hrefs to discover potential problems that are concealed from the Search Console.
Errors In Google Search Console: How To Identifying And Fixing Them


Google Search Console is a priceless assistant for keeping a website active and optimizing its rankings, yet it is capable of raising concerns about certain aspects of the website that need to be addressed. Proactivity leads to a handle on the potential mistakes that affect websites – indexing problems, crawl errors, mobile usability concerns, and sitemap troubles – thus making the site efficiently viewed by users as well as search engines.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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