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How Low-Code Platforms Are Revolutionizing Enterprises

How Low-Code Platforms Are Revolutionizing Enterprises

Austin Luthar230 24-Sep-2024

IT teams are under significant pressure to develop and deliver software applications as rapidly as possible to fulfill end-user expectations. However, new projects are frequently delayed due to resource constraints and backlogs in operations and maintenance. Traditional development encounters multiple issues, including high recruiting costs for skilled developers, lengthy development times, and requiring specialized expertise to ensure project success. Organizations are turning to the low-code development platform to meet growing demands for rapid application delivery and highly customizable automation processes. 


Gartner predicts that by 2026, developers outside of traditional IT departments will account for approximately 80% of low-code development tool users. A rising number of enterprise-wide hyper-automation and composable business activities will foster low code application platform adoption through 2026.


Businesses that use low-code platforms may overcome these challenges while gaining new strategic benefits that drive business success in today's hyper-connected environment.

Strategic Advantages of Adopting Low-Code Platforms in Businesses

To compete, businesses must continually find ways to:

  • Innovate and differentiate
  • Focus on improving efficiency, speed, and expense
  • Engage customers in new ways


Here's a look at why low-code development could benefit organizations.

One Platform for All Your Needs

The low-code development platform acts as an integrated development environment that streamlines and consolidates all app development operations into a single unified platform. Organizations frequently invest in several development tools, platforms, and infrastructures, which might complicate managing license models, regulations, and security requirements. Low-code platforms solve this problem by offering a unified solution on which all skill sets—technical or business users—can develop applications.


This unified strategy improves team collaboration, simplifies development processes, and lowers operating expenses. Organizations can enhance compliance and risk reduction by unifying governance, security, and licensing and easing maintenance and updates. In a nutshell, a low code application platform unites all aspects of application development into a unified platform, making it effortless for organizations to manage and expand. 

Unlock the Potential of Every Employee

Employees determine the value of automating workflows to unlock creativity and strategic thinking as automation becomes more prevalent in the workplace. Since a low code application development platform requires minimal coding to develop applications, it uses robotic process automation (RPA) to connect an organization's IT systems. Employees can customize these pre-designed automations using a customizable and intuitive interface to meet their requirements. As a result, employees can manage their workloads more effectively. 


Harness the creativity of everyone in the organization, allowing them to solve their digital concerns while encouraging strong collaboration between business users and IT on a unified low code development platform.

Multiexperience Innovation

A low code development platform enables organizations to create digital experiences across various channels and devices, from modern web apps to native mobile and immersive applications. With a low-code application development platform, businesses can design progressive web apps (PWAs), native mobile apps, conversational apps, wearables, and even kiosk-based experiences—all from a single code base. This flexibility allows businesses to engage users wherever they live digitally across any device, providing a consistent experience on any device.

Accelerated App Delivery

Low-code development supports agile approaches, allowing businesses to respond quickly to market shifts and evolving customer expectations. An enterprise-grade low-code automation platform provides preconfigured, no-code integration capabilities and templates, significantly reducing the time required to establish connections with databases, cloud services, robotic process automation (RPA) bots, artificial intelligence tools, and application programming interfaces (APIs) from hours or days to minutes. 

Modernize Legacy Applications

Many essential legacy systems fail to provide the necessary performance at scale. To address this, a low code platform provides cloud-native architecture with automated failover capabilities, ensuring mission-critical applications run continuously without performance concerns. Additionally, outdated systems frequently ignore usability, resulting in a lower ROI. The low code development platform allows enterprises to create innovative solutions using a user-centric, design-thinking approach. Understanding users' demands and the business context will enable firms to overcome process gaps, create end-to-end solutions, and achieve significant productivity benefits. 

Simplify Back-End for Native Mobile Apps with Low-Code 

A low-code platform streamlines building native mobile apps by providing an intuitive interface for developers to define the back-end architecture. It creates omni-channel digital applications, supporting multiple platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, SPAs, and responsive web apps for browsers. Developers can quickly build and configure back-end services such as authentication, database management, and API integration, reducing development time while ensuring that mobile apps are built with secure and efficient back-end systems. 


Low code platforms simplify the development process and provide organizations with unique features that expedite operations, making them crucial for businesses looking to innovate. 

Why Low-Code Platforms Are a Game-Changer for Enterprises?

Low-code revolutionizes software development with features that enhance flexibility and creativity. 

  • Identity Management: Implement authentication methods to secure your application.
  • Effortless Integration: Connect with back-end services to enhance app functionality to interact with an external system or data source.
  • Service Orchestration: Combine and integrate multiple services into a single unit, simplifying complex workflows in client apps.
  • Object Management: Creates various app models, including storage and service-oriented objects, which define how your application wants to interact with its data.
  • Offline Synchronization: Enables developers to add synchronization capabilities to mobile applications.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Utilize built-in features for push notifications, email, and SMS to subscribed applications.
  • Cross-platform Mobility: With much less effort, a low code application development platform enables businesses and non-programmers to build apps by providing access to third-party APIs and modules for different platforms. 


As trust in the technology grows and its ability to handle complex app development is proven, low code solutions will primarily continue supporting non-mission-critical workloads in the coming years. 

Future of Low Code Development Platform

Low-code development is transitioning from a niche practice to a mainstream industry standard. Its agility and cost-effectiveness make it an integral solution across industries and business sizes. As low-code platforms become more popular, large businesses will invest in tools to assist users with various technical skills in creating and deploying apps. 


In the near future, organizations will see users interact directly with low-code development tools, allowing them to create apps in conjunction with IT rather than waiting for IT to develop applications. This move will allow for more personalized and efficient app development. 



A low code development platform addresses crucial business concerns by simplifying development processes, increasing flexibility, and delivering innovative features. These platforms help enterprises speed up application delivery, modernize outdated systems, and effectively engage users. 


A notable trend to watch is the rising use of low code in the automation of tasks. The increasing use of low code in the business opens the way for automation, which may help with mundane, repetitive processes that consume time and resources. Users may also benefit from AI-powered capabilities like code generation and automated testing, making creating apps that can learn, adapt, and make data-driven predictions easier. 


Looking ahead to the future, it's clear that businesses of all sizes will build apps to improve the productivity and efficiency of their day-to-day operations.

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