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Why Image Alt Text Matters For SEO And Accessibility

Why Image Alt Text Matters For SEO And Accessibility

Shivani Singh 472 28-Nov-2024

Image alt text, also known as the text, is a significant factor that entails web design and content enhancement. Although alt text was initially developed to increase accessibility in websites and web applications, it has blossomed into a critical means of optimizing SEO. Used as descriptive tags for the images, alt texts help in making web content as understandable to the search engine as possible, as well as accessible for persons with disabilities.

In this blog, I will explain why alt text is relevant, the advantage of its two usages, and how it can be boosted to deliver even higher outcomes. Read more about it here in our guide on how to optimize images on your website.

The Role of Image Alt Text in Accessibility

Enhancing Usability for All

There is no doubt that the alternative text has a critical role in enabling visually impaired clients to access various digital content. Tools such as screen readers require alt tag descriptions to allow access for the disabled as well as the visually impaired.

Legal and ethical concerns to be elaborated include, among the following:

Accessibility standards policies like WCAG are important to adhere to in order to avoid legal complications and show that an organization is actually committed to user-accessible design. These standards therefore signify that organizations that are not willing to abide by these principles and guidelines set out by number of potential markets may end up being penalized or excluded from such markets.

Why Image Alt Text Matters For SEO And Accessibility

Practical Examples

For example, writing the expression ‘Red running shoes, size 10, lightweight’ will benefit the blind users in understanding content as well as Google. For practical examples, do check out the blog on image optimization that we have on our website.

How Image Alt Text Boosts SEO

Better Positions in Rank Listing

With the help of such texts, further identification and indexing of images are provided through search engines like Google, which helps further its ranking. Website images sometimes appear in the search, so there is another source of organic traffic present in most cases.

Keyword Optimization

Writing the keywords in alt text helps make your content more SEO friendly, besides avoiding crowding the main text with keywords. But writing should not sound like an academic paper, so try and make the phrasing look as natural as possible.

Greater user experience

Good alt text might help reduce the bounce rates as it provides users who search for content by images directly with relevant results. Continue reading to discover how this can affect SEO through our report on Google ranking factors.

Greater user experience

Good alt text might help reduce the bounce rates as it provides users who search for content by images directly with relevant results. Continue reading to discover how this can affect SEO through our report on Google ranking factors.

Best Practices for Writing Image Alt Text

Make It Short and Informative

Closeness to the point, topic, or headline is recommended to be under 125 characters. For example, use “A woman using a laptop in a co-working space” instead of "image1.jpg.”.

Avoid keyword stuffing.

Indeed, keywords are important while using the alt text; however, using many of them might attract some penalties. Although there is a need for machinery features to be relevant in some way to horse racing, their descriptions should not be unnatural when using the language of an outsider in this field.

Include Alt Text for Decorative Images

It’s fine to leave the alt attributes blank (alt="") when the images are only for decorative purposes in an attempt to make it easier to read for screen readers.

Test and optimize

You should also use the SEO facilities and other tools to analyze the effectiveness of your alt attributes. Find out more about SEO-friendly practices that are very important for successful optimization.

Why Image Alt Text Matters For SEO And Accessibility

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Leaving Alt Text Blank

Failure to add alt text makes images invisible to the screen readers and search engines for the target audience.

Using File Names as Alt Text

One can give his files names like "IMG123.jpg,” which does not make any sense in the context. With this, replace them with meaningful descriptions.

Generic Descriptions

Do not use vague descriptions, such as an example of an image of a car. However, be precise: “2024 Tesla Model S, red, parked by the beach.”

Due to its impacts, a lack of mobile optimization is a serious mistake.

Make it a point where the image, accompanied by an alt attribute, is mobile optimized for its size and loading time.

Techniques and Strategies for Improvement in Alt Text

Four of the most popular known now are termed Content Management Systems (CMS).

Modern sites like WordPress and Shopify have easy-to-navigate user interfaces allowing users to input the alt text during image uploads.

SEO Analytics Tools

Websites such as SEMrush and Ahrefs might help to determine the effectiveness of your alt text in SEO.

Accessibility Testing Tools

WAVE or Axe tool should be employed to embrace accessibility standards.


And what used to be an add-on feature is now a requirement to create a solid and barrier-free online presence. Irrespective of whether you are an accessibility advocate or an SEO analyst, optimizing alt text would improve the outcome you seek for your website. 

By ensuring that you make your website user-friendly, you will also be enhancing your SEO standing all at once. 

Updated 29-Nov-2024
Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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