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Why Users Need To Update WhatsApp New Version? Things To Know

techtoreview766 16-May-2019

WhatsApp becomes the no.1 messaging app across the world. And it frequently comes with a stunning updated version. Now again WhatsApp has urged its users to upgrade the app. This up-gradation is basically to protect the app against potential targeted exploits designed to compromise information stored on the mobile device. This update of WhatsApp encourages users to upgrade the latest version of your app and mobile updating system as well.

1. Why you need to update WhatsApp

Due to the security issues, an Israel company has intercepted conversations made on WhatsApp. Now a third party is allowed to install spyware on WhatsApp user’s devices. Reported by financial times, WhatsApp has confirmed the vulnerability. However, the messaging giant did not specifically reveal who is after the attack. Users must aware of this latest bug in WhatsApp and what users need to do regarding this.

2. WhatsApp Exploited to inject spyware

The Israel-based NSO Group works for the government, working for infect targets of investigations and gain access to various aspects of their various devices.

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Updated 16-May-2019

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