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Download & Convert Youtube and Facebook videos to MP3 MP4

Steven Taylor 989 10-Jul-2019

Download & Convert Youtube and Facebook videos to MP3 MP4

Youtube and Facebook are big platforms. Billions of users created their account and keep themselves active and share their different kinds of post and thought like image, video, link and much more, which keep many people engaged.

Sometimes people want to download and save the images for future use. So if you want to save the image, then you can save or take a screenshot.But the same conditions wouldn’t apply to the video part. Either you are on Facebook or YouTube, both platforms ’doesn’t allow users to download videos to their devices. 

To resolve this problem, we come with new solutions that can help you to download facebook videos to mp3 mp4 and in another format like AVI WAV etc. Also if you like any youtube video and want to share to convert and download youtube videos to mp3 mp4 than it will best suit on your needs. 

How to download videos from Facebook or Youtube?

Now times to learn how to download videos from facebook or youtube platforms. It is not too the complicated you can easily convert or download videos by using tools follow below given simple tools. 

1. Go first on your video then copy video URL

2. And then choose paste URL in Fbtube if you want to download facebook video or paste URL to youtube2video if you have youtube video.

3. Then click on the convert button after a few seconds you will find you on the download page.

4. Then the last step clicks on download button page after selecting size quality and format according to your choice from the given different on the download page.

Now Enjoy your video with your friends.

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