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Multithreading with C#

priyanka kushwaha10735 24-Feb-2015

This blog explains how multithreading works in c#.

What is a thread?

A thread can be defined as a semi-process with a definite starting point, an execution sequence and a terminating point. It maintains its own stack where it keeps the exception handlers, the scheduling priority and other details that the system might need to re-activated that thread.

System.Threading. Thread is the main  class for creating threads and controlling them.

The thread class has a number of methods.

1.    Start(): starts the execution of the  thread.

2.    Suspend(): suspends the thread.

3.    Resume: resumes a thread that has been suspend.

4.    Interrupt: interrupts a thread that is in the wait, sleep or join stage.

5.    Join(): blocks  a calling thread until the thread terminates.

6.     Sleep(int x): suspends the thread for specified amount of time.

7.     Abort(): Begins the process of terminating the thread. Once  the thread terminates, it cannot be restarted by calling the function Start() again. 

Thread Priority:

System.Threading.Thread.Priority enumeration defines the priority states of a thread.

1.       Highest

2.       AboveNormal

3.       Normal

4.       BelowNormal

5.       Lowest













    <h4>Multi Threading Example</h4>







using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Threading;

namespace ThreadingExample


    publicpartialclassDefault : System.Web.UI.Page


        protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            ThreadStart childthread = newThreadStart(ChildThreadCall);

            Response.Write("Child thread started");

            Thread child = newThread(childthread);


            Response.Write("Main thread is sleeping for 1 second...");


            Response.Write("Main Thread is aborting child thread");



        publicvoid ChildThreadCall()




                lblMsg.Text = "Child thread started";

                lblMsg.Text += "Child Thread is counting to 5....";

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)



                    lblMsg.Text += "we are in child thread";



            catch (ThreadAbortException ex)


                lblMsg.Text += "child thread exception";




                lblMsg.Text += "Unable to catch to  exception";







Multithreading with C#

Updated 24-Feb-2015

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