What are the RISC and CISC? Explain the difference between a RISC and a CISC microprocessor.
What are the RISC and CISC? Explain the difference between a RISC and a CISC microprocessor.
Updated on 08-Apr-2023
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What are the RISC and CISC? Explain the difference between a RISC and a CISC microprocessor.
Krishnapriya Rajeev
07-Apr-2023RISC and CISC are two types of microprocessors used in computer architecture.
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing): RISC is a type of processor architecture that emphasizes simple and streamlined instructions, with a focus on executing them quickly. RISC processors have a relatively small set of instructions, with each instruction performing a very specific task. This allows RISC processors to execute instructions quickly and efficiently, with a low cycle time.
Examples of RISC processors include ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC.
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing): CISC is a type of processor architecture that includes a large set of complex instructions, capable of performing multiple tasks in a single instruction. CISC processors are designed to execute complex instructions quickly but at the cost of a longer cycle time.
Examples of CISC processors include Intel x86 processors, which are commonly used in personal computers and servers.
Some of the main differences between RISC and CISC are listed below:
Overall, RISC processors are simpler, faster, and more efficient in terms of hardware resources, while CISC processors are more complex, flexible, and capable of performing more functions in a single instruction.