What are the different types of navigation components available in Bootstrap, and how to use them?
What are the different types of navigation components available in Bootstrap, and how to use them?
Updated on 12-May-2023
Aryan Kumar
12-May-2023Bootstrap provides a variety of navigation components to help you create a user-friendly and visually appealing navigation experience for your website or web application.
Navbars are a great way to provide users with a quick and easy way to navigate to different parts of your website. They can be placed at the top or bottom of your page, and they can be customized to fit your specific needs.
To create a navbar, you'll need to use the nav element and the navbar class. You can then add your navigation links inside the nav element.
Here's an example of a basic navbar:
Tabs are a great way to organize related content on your website. They allow users to easily switch between different sections of content without having to scroll back and forth.
To create tabs, you'll need to use the tabs element and the nav-tabs class. You can then add your tab titles inside the tabs element.
Here's an example of a basic tabs component:
Pills are similar to tabs, but they are typically used to represent a single piece of content. They are a good option for when you want to highlight a specific piece of content or when you don't need to switch between multiple pieces of content.
To create pills, you'll need to use the pills element and the nav-pills class. You can then add your pill titles inside the pills element.
Here's an example of a basic pills component:
Breadcrumbs are a great way to help users navigate their way through your website. They show the user's current location in the website hierarchy, and they can be used to quickly jump to different parts of the website.
To create breadcrumbs, you'll need to use the breadcrumb element and the breadcrumb-item class. You can then add your breadcrumb titles inside the breadcrumb element.
Here's an example of a basic breadcrumbs component:
Pagination is a great way to help users navigate through a large amount of content. It allows users to quickly view the next or previous page of content without having to scroll through all of the content.
To create pagination, you'll need to use the pagination element and the pagination-sm class. You can then add your pagination links inside the pagination element.
Here's an example of a basic pagination component: