What is event delegation in JavaScript/jQuery, and why is it useful?
What is event delegation in jQuery, and why is it useful?
Updated on 10-Jun-2023
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What is event delegation in JavaScript/jQuery, and why is it useful?
Aryan Kumar
10-Jun-2023Event delegation is a technique in jQuery that allows you to attach event handlers to a parent element and have them bubble up to the child elements that trigger the event. This can be useful for improving performance and reducing the number of event handlers that you need to attach.
For example, let's say that you want to add a click event handler to all of the links on a page. You could do this by attaching the event handler to each link individually. However, this would create a lot of event handlers, which could potentially slow down your page.
Instead, you could use event delegation to attach the event handler to the body element. The event handler would then bubble up to the a elements when they are clicked. This would only create one event handler, which would improve performance.
To use event delegation, you can use the on() method with the delegate option. The following code shows how to add a click event handler to all of the links on a page using event delegation:
Code snippet
In this code, the on() method is used to attach an event handler to the body element. The delegate option is used to specify that the event handler should bubble up to the a elements when they are clicked.
Event delegation is a powerful technique that can be used to improve performance and reduce the number of event handlers that you need to attach. It is a useful technique to know when working with jQuery.
Here are some additional benefits of using event delegation: