How can you create a simple HTTP server using Node.js?
How can you create a simple HTTP server using Node.js?
Updated on 28-Sep-2023
Aryan Kumar
28-Sep-2023Creating a simple HTTP server using Node.js is relatively straightforward. Node.js has a built-in http module that allows you to create and configure HTTP servers easily. Here's a step-by-step guide to create a basic HTTP server in Node.js:
Import the http Module:
Start by requiring the http module, which is a core module in Node.js.
Create an HTTP Server:
Use the http.createServer() method to create an HTTP server. You need to pass a callback function that will be executed whenever a request is received by the server. This function receives two arguments: request (an instance of http.IncomingMessage) and response (an instance of http.ServerResponse).
Handle Incoming Requests:
Inside the callback function, you can implement logic to handle incoming HTTP requests. For a simple example, let's send a "Hello, World!" response for all requests.
Specify the Port and Start the Server:
Choose a port number on which the server should listen for incoming requests (e.g., 3000). Then, use the server.listen() method to start the server. The console.log() statement is used to log a message indicating that the server is running.
Run the Server:
Save your Node.js file (e.g., server.js) and run it using Node.js:
Your server will now be running on the specified port (e.g., http://localhost:3000).
Access the Server:
Open a web browser or use a tool like curl or httpie to make HTTP requests to your server. You should see the "Hello, World!" response when you access the server's URL.
Now, You've created a simple HTTP server using Node.js. This is a basic example, but you can extend the server's functionality to handle more complex requests and responses as needed for your application.
To run this code:
This code creates a basic HTTP server that listens on port 3000 and responds with "Hello, World!" for all incoming requests. You can customize the response and add more routes and logic as needed for your specific application.