What is server-side rendering (SSR) in React, and what are its advantages?
What is server-side rendering (SSR) in React, and what are its advantages?
Updated on 06-Oct-2023
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What is server-side rendering (SSR) in React, and what are its advantages?
Aryan Kumar
06-Oct-2023Server-side rendering (SSR) in React is a technique that allows you to render a React application on the server side before sending it to the client's browser. This is in contrast to traditional client-side rendering (CSR), where the entire application is loaded in the browser, and rendering happens on the client side. SSR brings several advantages to web applications:
Improved Initial Load Time: One of the main advantages of SSR is that it significantly reduces the initial load time of a web page. When a user requests a page, the server pre-renders the React components and sends back the fully rendered HTML, CSS, and initial JavaScript. This means users can see content faster, especially on slower connections or less powerful devices.
SEO Friendliness: Search engines can easily crawl and index content that is rendered on the server side. With SSR, your React application's content is available in the initial HTML response, making it more SEO-friendly compared to purely client-side rendered apps, where search engines might have difficulty indexing content generated dynamically through JavaScript.
Improved Performance on Low-Powered Devices: SSR can be particularly beneficial for users on low-powered devices or with limited browser capabilities. Since the server does most of the heavy lifting in terms of rendering, the client device doesn't need to work as hard, resulting in a smoother user experience.
Better Social Sharing: When users share a link to a page with SSR, the shared content is immediately available because it's part of the initial HTML response. This ensures that social media platforms and messaging apps can display rich previews of your content correctly.
Progressive Enhancement: SSR allows for progressive enhancement, where you can provide basic functionality to all users (including those with JavaScript disabled) by rendering on the server. Then, you can enhance the experience with client-side interactivity for users with modern browsers and JavaScript enabled.
Faster Time to Interactive (TTI): While SSR improves initial load time, it also contributes to a faster Time to Interactive (TTI). This is because some of the components and data are already rendered on the server, reducing the time required for client-side rendering and initialization.
Reduced Server Load: SSR can help distribute some of the rendering workload from the client's device to the server, which can be particularly advantageous when dealing with a large number of users or when rendering complex React components.
Improved User Experience: Overall, SSR leads to a better user experience by providing faster loading times, better search engine visibility, and enhanced accessibility for a broader range of users.
However, it's essential to note that implementing SSR in React can be more complex compared to client-side rendering, and it may require adjustments to your application architecture. Tools like Next.js and Gatsby provide convenient ways to implement SSR and offer other features to simplify the process. The choice to use SSR depends on your specific project requirements and performance goals.