What is a callback function in JavaScript, and how is it used in handling asynchronous operations?
What is a callback function in JavaScript, and how is it used in handling asynchronous operations?
Updated on 11-Oct-2023
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What is a callback function in JavaScript, and how is it used in handling asynchronous operations?
Aryan Kumar
11-Oct-2023A callback function in JavaScript is a function that you pass as an argument to another function, and it is typically executed after the completion of that function or some other event. Callbacks are commonly used in handling asynchronous operations, such as fetching data from a server or performing other tasks that may take some time to complete. Here's an explanation of callback functions and how they are used for handling asynchronous operations:
Callback functions are essential for handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript because they allow you to specify what should happen once the operation is complete. They are used in many asynchronous scenarios, including handling AJAX requests, reading files, and responding to user interactions. However, as code complexity increases, deeply nested callbacks can lead to callback hell or the pyramid of doom, which can be challenging to maintain. This is where Promises and async/await come into play, offering more structured ways to manage asynchronous code.