Explain the difference between named exports and default exports in JavaScript modules.
Explain the difference between named exports and default exports in JavaScript modules.
Updated on 02-Nov-2023
Aryan Kumar
02-Nov-2023In JavaScript modules, you can use both named exports and default exports to expose functionality from a module. These two export mechanisms serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here's an explanation of the key differences between named exports and default exports:
Named Exports:
Usage: Named exports allow you to export one or more variables, functions, or objects from a module by specifying their names explicitly.
Export Syntax:
Import Syntax: When importing named exports, you must use curly braces {} to specify which members you want to import by their names.
Multiple Exports: A module can have multiple named exports, and you can import and use them individually as needed.
Renaming on Import: You can rename named exports during import to avoid naming conflicts or make the imported members more contextually meaningful in your code.
Default Exports:
Usage: Default exports allow you to export a single value or entity as the "default" export from a module. This is typically used for exporting a primary or main piece of functionality from the module.
Export Syntax:
Import Syntax: When importing a default export, you do not need curly braces. You can provide any name you like to reference the default export.
Single Default Export: A module can have only one default export. This export represents the primary functionality of the module.
No Renaming on Import: There's no need to rename the default export when importing because it can be assigned any name you choose.
Key Differences:
Named exports allow you to export multiple values from a module with explicit names, while default exports export a single, often primary, value from the module.
When using named exports, you need to specify the names of the exported members when importing, and you can rename them during import if necessary. With default exports, you can assign any name you like to the imported default value.
A module can have both named exports and a default export, but it can have only one default export.
Default exports are useful for exporting the main feature or class from a module, while named exports are suitable for exporting various related functions or variables.
The choice between named and default exports depends on the use case and the structure of your module. Named exports are more granular and allow for selective imports, while default exports are often simpler and used for the primary functionality of the module.