But I want to implement it on a button click in windows form.I was trying following code which errormessage 'BackupDatabase() does not exists in System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
I was looking for query in Sqlite but I couldnt find anything
public void takebackup()
da = new SQLiteDataAdapter();
SQLiteConnection cnnIn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=test.db;foreign keys=True");
SQLiteConnection cnnOut = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=backup.db;foreign keys=True");
cnnIn.BackupDatabase(cnnOut, "main", "main", -1, null, -1);
catch (Exception er)
Aryan Kumar
27-May-2023To backup an SQLite database, you have a few options. Here are two common methods:
1. Manual Backup:
- Stop any processes or connections accessing the SQLite database to ensure data consistency.
- Create a copy of the SQLite database file (.db file) by simply copying it to another location or renaming it. For example, you can use the following command in a terminal or file explorer:
- The copied file serves as the backup of your SQLite database. You can move it to a secure location or store it in a different storage medium for safekeeping.
2. Using SQLite Command-Line Shell:
- Open the SQLite command-line shell by running the `sqlite3` command in your terminal or command prompt.
- Connect to the SQLite database by specifying the database file path:
- In the SQLite shell, execute the following command to create a backup:
- The `.backup` command creates a backup of the current database file at the specified location.
- Exit the SQLite shell by typing `.exit`.
It's important to note that while these backup methods create a copy of the database file, they do not perform incremental or differential backups. For more comprehensive backup strategies, you may need to consider automating backups, scheduling regular backups, and utilizing backup utilities or third-party tools specifically designed for SQLite databases.
Remember to follow best practices for securing your backups, such as encrypting them if necessary, storing them in a separate location or medium, and testing the restoration process periodically to ensure the integrity of your backups.
Anupam Mishra