The magic methods are special namesstarting with two underscore“__”. These magic methods are executed in response to some events. Some magic methods are __call(), __construct(),invoke(),__destruct(), __callstatic(),__get(),autoload(), __set(), __sleep(),__isset(), __unset(),__wakeup(), __tostring()and __clone(). These methods are defined inside the class and not outside the class. These methods ae not standalone methods.
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What are magic methods?
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Manoj Bhatt
26-Sep-2016The magic methods are special names starting with two underscore “__”. These magic methods are executed in response to some events. Some magic methods are __call(), __construct(),invoke(),__destruct(), __callstatic(),__get(),autoload(), __set(), __sleep(),__isset(), __unset(),__wakeup(), __tostring()and __clone(). These methods are defined inside the class and not outside the class. These methods ae not standalone methods.