JSON stand for JavaScript Object Notation it is lightweight data-interchange format .
NSJSONSerialization class defined in the foundation framework that includes in iOS version 5 that is used to convert NSData-JSON Object to NSDictionary.
Uses of JSON-
JSON Format is used for serialising and transmitting structureed data over the network.It is primary source of transmitting of data between server and client application . JSON build on two structure-
A Collection of Name/Value pairs in different languages as an object ,record,struct,dictionary, hash table key list and associative array.
An ordered list of value.
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Explain what is JSON and uses of JSON in iOS?
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Sunil Singh
13-Jan-2017JSON stand for JavaScript Object Notation it is lightweight data-interchange format .
NSJSONSerialization class defined in the foundation framework that includes in iOS version 5 that is used to convert NSData-JSON Object to NSDictionary.
Uses of JSON-
JSON Format is used for serialising and transmitting structureed data over the network.It is primary source of transmitting of data between server and client application . JSON build on two structure-
A Collection of Name/Value pairs in different languages as an object ,record,struct,dictionary, hash table key list and associative array.
An ordered list of value.