Discuss the main difference between classic ADO and ADO.NET ? Sunil Singh133710-Jul-2017 asp.netado.net asp.net Updated on 19-Sep-2020
Sunil Singh
10-Jul-2017Main difference between classic ado and ado.net is as follows
Classic ADO have recordset
Its objects communicate in binary mode
ADO supports mostly connection oriented models
Since ADO derives information about data implicitly at run time based on metadata, it is an expensive process.
Only Client Side Cursors are allowed in ADO classic.
ADO.Net have Data Adapter and Data set
ADO.NET uses XML for passing the data
ADO.Net works in Disconnected manner
By leveraging known meta data at design time, ADO.Net provide better runtime performance and more consistent runtime behaviour
ADO.Net Support both client side and server side cursors