E-commerce means the online services which serve buying and selling of goods through internet. it's works on business to business or customers to business or customers to customers.
E-commerce application/sites are like as a web applications or mobile application and during that's compatibility testings are passing through many process which is shown below :
-> Functional Testing
-> Usability Testing
-> Security Testing
-> Performance Testing
-> Database Testing
-> Mobile Application Testing
-> A/B testing.
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How to testing an E commercial websites ?
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Prakash nidhi Verma
13-Jun-2018E-commerce means the online services which serve buying and selling of goods through internet. it's works on business to business or customers to business or customers to customers.
E-commerce application/sites are like as a web applications or mobile application and during that's compatibility testings are passing through many process which is shown below :
-> Functional Testing
-> Usability Testing
-> Security Testing
-> Performance Testing
-> Database Testing
-> Mobile Application Testing
-> A/B testing.