How to search record by date in SQL Server?
Updated on 21-Jun-2023
Aryan Kumar
20-Jun-2023To search record by date in SQL Server, you can use the WHERE clause to filter the results by the date column. For example, the following query will return all records from the products table where the date_created column is greater than or equal to 2023-01-01:
You can also use the BETWEEN operator to search for records between two dates. For example, the following query will return all records from the products table where the date_created column is between 2023-01-01 and 2023-01-31:
Here are some other ways to search record by date in SQL Server:
Rocky Dada
10-Apr-2023To search records by date in SQL Server, you can use the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement along with the appropriate comparison operator to compare the date values in your table with a specific date or date range. Here are a few examples:
Search for records on a specific date:
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE date_column = '2023-04-10';
Replace your_table with the name of your table and date_column with the name of the column that contains your date values. This query will return all records where the date value in date_column is equal to the specified date (in this case, '2023-04-10').
Search for records within a date range:
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE date_column BETWEEN '2023-04-01' AND '2023-04-10';
This query will return all records where the date value in date_column falls within the specified date range (in this case, from '2023-04-01' to '2023-04-10').
Note that in both examples, the date values are enclosed in single quotes. This is because date values in SQL Server are treated as strings and need to be enclosed in quotes for the query to work correctly.
Revati S Misra
05-Apr-2023You can select the record date-wise after converting the date column datatype of the table into another datatype.
SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE CONVERT(DataType, Column_Name, format) = ‘DD-MM-YYYY’;
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR, Join_Date, 105) = ‘01-01-2020’