Facebook is proceeding towards cracking down the fake reviews on its platform
The local businesses have been facing a lot in the past few years on their social media handles, especially in the form of reviews. Not only the businesses but also the genuine buyers have been struggling in finding an appropriate online store or social media handle for genuine products. After years of pressure from all these victims, social media platform Facebook has now come forward for taking appropriate actions against fake reviews left on business pages.
Facebook is going to cut down on user reviews to prevent inappropriate feedback on business pages. The company has updated its Community Feedback policy to address this widespread issue that has hurt many local businesses. To make a full stop to irrelevant reviews, which establish hopes among such users for some kind of compensation or rewards.
Under the new policy with new rules, Facebook has already been taking action against abusive reviews. Well, Facebook’s new guidelines protect against people who leave fake bad reviews as a way to get refunds or other freebies out of a business and also for the ones with overly positive reviews. Certain local businesses pay random users to leave positive reviews on their pages without even using their products previously. Facebook is supposed to check the reviews which are overly positive, too vague, comments that are too negative, comments that contain inappropriate or graphic content, and those that can be tagged as spam.
If a user violates any of these new rules, Facebook says it will remove the review. If the user is a repeat offender, then as a final result their Facebook account will be suspended or banned from the platform. If a local business is found guilty of paying random users to leave positive comments on its page, the business will no longer be allowed to use product tags and listings. They will also be suspended or banned from accessing any features of Facebook.
Facebook has removed around 16,000 fake and irrelevant review groups last year. The counting of these inappropriate reviews is still in progress for which an investigation by consumer rights groups is still going on. This investigation indicates the idea that plenty of such reviews are still around and need to be identified and proper action needs to be taken against them.