Building RESTful APIs with ASP.NET Core: A Comprehensive Guide
Building RESTful APIs with ASP.NET Core: A Comprehensive Guide

REST is a style of architecture used to build networked applications. It’s based on the principles of scalability, simplicity, and performance.

Demystifying Authentication and Authorization in .NET Core APIs
Demystifying Authentication and Authorization in .NET Core APIs

Authentication is a way of verifying that a user is who they say they are. You can implement authentication in.NET Core using various methods,

Implementing CORS Policies in .NET Core Web API to Control API Access
Implementing CORS Policies in .NET Core Web API to Control API Access

It enables web applications running on a single domain to access resources from another domain. However, CORS can be a security risk if not configured properly.

How to Configure Rate Limits and Protect Your API from Excessive Traffic?
How to Configure Rate Limits and Protect Your API from Excessive Traffic?

Implementation of rate limits is an essential approach for API providers to manage the volume of requests submitted to an API over a specified period of time.

Creating a Custom Login and Signup System with Bootstrap in .NET Core.
Creating a Custom Login and Signup System with Bootstrap in .NET Core.

.NET Core is a great framework for doing just that - it's cross-platform and super fast, so you don't have to worry about it.

Implementing CRUD Operations in .NET Core Using LINQ and Stored Procedures.
Implementing CRUD Operations in .NET Core Using LINQ and Stored Procedures.

.NET Core, a cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft, provides a powerful combination of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) and stored procedures.