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Visual Studio Code Live Sharing | Debug or Edit code with your colleagues via VS Code Live Sharing

Visual Studio Code Live Sharing | Debug or Edit code with your colleagues via VS Code Live Sharing

Anonymous User 736 02-Jul-2021

Live Share by Visual Studio is a powerful extension was developed by Jon Chu. Through this extension developers get so much help while edit and debug the code. They can simply share their file through the means of url. In the next few steps we'll see how the Live Sharing is working in Visual Studio:-

Step 1 : Open Visual Studio and install the extension of Live Share from the bottom left side of the sidebar and reload VS code.

Step 2 : After installing you'll see the 'Live Share' option at the bottom of the taskbar of VS Code and on the left side you'll get a new Live Share tab where you can watch the sharers who has joined your sessions.

Step 3 : Now, let's start using this extension, first you need to Login in VS Code by your Github or Microsoft Account. Once you successfully Login, Now open the sidebar Live Share tab and click on 'Start Collabaration Session'. When you hit that you'll see a loader at the right bottom of your screen. Just sit and relax while it is being loaded. It will take up a bit of seconds.

Step 4 : After completion the Invitation Link will be generate and you can easily copy to clipboard by just entering 'Copy to Clipboard' button. Now you can share it by any means of modes.

Step 5 : Now the person you have send will easily join your session and can easily debug and edit or contribute with you in the development.

Note : If you want to watch which person has joined your Live Session, you can directly watch it through the Live Share Tab which is on the Sidebar if Visual Studio. 

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