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Visual Studio Code Live Sharing | Debug or Edit code with your colleagues via VS Code Live Sharing

Visual Studio Code Live Sharing is a plugin by Visual Studio to collab with your known ones and debug or edit the code in a simplest or coolest way ever.

Features upgraded in Visual Studio 2012 | 2015 | 2019 Versions

We discussed about some about the coolest features of VS Code which are upgraded from 2012 to latest version, i.e. 2019 version.

Best Wedding Photographer - Inspire the Best to Protect Your Valuable Minutes

Consequently picking the best photographer is as critical as whatever remains of the wedding tasks in the event that you need every one of your recollections secured up safe your wedding collection.

How 3D Architectural Rendering Affect Architectural Representations

The 3D architectural rendering involves 3D models that are developed to guide the architecture about the final look of their building from every corner and inside out.

Hiring a Photography and Video Production Studio for the First Time

Are you thinking about expanding your photography or video production game but you lack the space? If that’s the case, you might want to consider renting a photography and video studio.

Visual Studio for Mac is out of beta preview, now officially available

On Day one of Microsoft’s Build 2017 conference, finally it was announced that Visual Studio is officially available for download on Mac devices and is out of preview. A rejoicing wave spread among the developers after getting this much awaited news.